I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.
I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.
If you’re looking for a shameless meat puppet to rubber stamp your bullshit,
I was unaware that the flag had hearts on it...
Having fun is disrespectful to the troops.
From the Reading Comprehension Tees
wow rude
I’m sorry, I saw the words “Pacific Rim” and “terrible” in the same sentence and I immediately stopped paying attention.
Horse boat people. Or is it boat horse people?
Oh, I implied the cops were racist whites, did I?
If my ancestors had been enslaved for hundreds of years, later freed but oppressed, and later legally granted rights but still oppressed by a system of institutionalized racism, I wouldn’t think I was being overly sensitive.
I didn’t choose celibacy, celibacy chose me. I miss sex but I’m also like Cher from Clueless: “You’ve seen how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet.”
First, some states have laws in place to actually protect the seller in the event that the person is taking unfair advantage of them. It’s just hard to prove.
How’s life in the greys?
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.
“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350
Sorry, but if we’re stuck for more than four hours, I’m eating you.
Did they really just set that thing up in the middle of a golf course right next to a sand trap?
“more than half of us”
She is just insufferable in every way. I really wonder what the count is for screaming off cam once the interview is over with her. Her little “irrelevant” quip, reality itself does not matter to her.
Anyone else like that Angela is wearing pants and what look like practical shoes?