Naked mole rat queen for president! I for one, would welcome her wrinkly self as my overlord. Maybe get a good boy for vice president?
Naked mole rat queen for president! I for one, would welcome her wrinkly self as my overlord. Maybe get a good boy for vice president?
We call them the ski socks in our neck of the woods.
I would be proud to have a tombstone stating “ Almost died of cookie dough after swimming on a full stomach yet survived getting hit by a falling coconut, saved from sharks but killed by cows.”
OMG BIRBS! #notalldinosoars
Sulcatas, also known as the African spurred tortoise, do not hibernate. He loves to explore diverse different environments and soon after this trek he was happily snoozing next to a cozy fireplace. If you have ever seen an unhappy tort, this is not what you see.
pet thread! say hi to Moses, the christmas tort.
If my 12 year old started saying shit like this, I would immediately yank her out of school and schedule a doctor visit. Jesus wept.
lol wat?
Counter point: fuck off.
What, I thought we all voted for “Racist McRacistface”?
My shelly boi, Moses, sez hai!
Not pictured is the 8 foot tunnel/cave system my extremely good boy has excavated under the little dog house I built for him. #gooddoggo.
My dog is the best dog. Period. He digs the best holes. period.
there is no god, only Zul. 4/5 would worship again.
Where does the Yugo fit on this list? Any other cars named for a country?
Can I get a vector, Victor?
I’d still lick him.
Pops had one of these on his ‘54 GMC truck when I was a kid. Awesome to drive with bare feet.
An incomplete list of people who state proudly “I don’t read books” : Kanye West, Donald Trump, Matthew McConaughey. Fuck that. I don’t trust those who are proud of their lack of knowledge and general lack of curiosity of the world.