
In the Spring of 2013 my grandfather suffered what we assume were a series of strokes. Prior the the strokes, he’d been battling advanced Parkinson’s and we all the knew this was the beginning of the end. He’d be adamant about not wanting anymore medical treatment and he spent the final 10 weeks of his life in home

It's so scary he was so good at it and then you just realized everything was a gigantic lie. I mean I'm glad we caught on because I'm sure if we didn't find out that time we would have either been implicated in a crime or ended up even more fucked over than we did. Which would be close to impossible

My mother had a friend, C, who developed terminal breast cancer. She had told the doctors something was wrong but no one listened to her until it was too late. She continued working as a special education teacher for as long as she could before she went home to her family to die. One night while she was still working,

Oh my gosh I’m so excited there’s more stories and I’m so excited to see mine on here! YAY! THANK YOU!

She’s still Jenny from the Block, and Jenny don’t play that shit.

Since that song was used in one of most iconic scenes from his most iconic film, I don’t think we should read too much into the lyrics. It’s just a textbook example of good old fashioned Tom Cruise narcissism.

You bite your goddamned tongue! THEY HAVE TO MAKE IT. Think of the kids!

What a weird biography of a man I had no interest in learning about, but greatly fascinated me when reading about him. Really good long read Shaun and totally unexpected from Deadspin. You briefly mention Oscar Bonavena. He’s someone who also had an interesting life that would make a great long read.

When I get those almost frozen, individually wrapped butter pats, I hold them in my cupped hands for 20-30 seconds and it makes them easier to spread.

I think it is less about the fart and more about the theatrics surrounding the fart.

I believe I can speak for all of us when I say, “Fuck Church Groups”

Who the hell just lets a fart fly in a restaurant like it’s nothing? I’ll run to the bathroom if I have to.

Sharon handled it, tho

I thought party city would be more down with drag.

I’m pretty sure that he’s an Australian sheepdog who saved a faerie godmother from certain death and when she asked him how she could repay him he said, “Make me a human man.”

Ms. Holmes and Mr. Foxx

Now playing


Now playing

OMG THAT'S FLULA! He's god damn hilarious! You gotta see his video on the phrase "party pooper"... I die laughing every time.

Even if he's not an asshole but just stupid, the woman is as entitled to her response as he was to ask in the first place. Further, I'm simply not on board with women protecting men's delicate fee-fees at the expense of their own. He will get over it, and it will take less than a lifetime.

Why should she have to ignore her own feelings on the matter in order for him to save face? Making a public proposal like that without having the conversations to make sure she's on board with marriage is kind of a sociopathic move in the first place. If she doesn't want to marry him, she gets to say no in front of