Bailors (ees, can't remember) can't just sell the property though. They have a level of duty....can't believe I'm playing law school bingo. Good luck with this argument in small claims court, I guess.
Bailors (ees, can't remember) can't just sell the property though. They have a level of duty....can't believe I'm playing law school bingo. Good luck with this argument in small claims court, I guess.
Might I remind the viewers (since you're clearly too classy): LAW STUDENTS ARE THE WORST.
Did you even WATCH that Judge Judy clip?? Monster!
At least here a woman, somewhere, did something bad. Given the rape gifs and trolling on the article about the dude who wanted to be the next Elliot Rodgers because he hated women so much, I'm surprised the trolls aren't flooding this place with gifs of female genital mutilation.
I mean, the dog could be hit by a car, stolen from many shitty life things they might have to explain to their children. Doing the right thing shouldn't be this hard.
I wonder what evil things I'm truly capable of. This is NOT one of them. Short of dog abuse, there is nothing my boyfriend or ex could ever do.
You would probably actually like a lot of feminists. You'd probably like me. Hatred is sad.
Thank goodness, or you'd probably be quite rapey, no?
They would hate you.
Virgin or whore?
What's she like? Was she a virgin when she married your dad?
If single mothers were summarily executed, how many single fathers would it take to change a lightbulb?
If women didn't have the vote, how many less men would succumb to gun violence?
If you condemned Bhide for his desire to kill women, how many altar boys would be raped?
Is there any violent act against a woman that you can go on record as condemning?
What are the virtues of a good woman?
If you could rape one ex....?
What does your daughter think of these comments?
Was your wedding day disappointing?
How do you feel about your mother?