Yeah I literally don't understand this at all. She didn't PERPETRATE a domestic violence situation.
Yeah I literally don't understand this at all. She didn't PERPETRATE a domestic violence situation.
OK. So this was the nagging voice in the back of my head when I first read about this. I don't like the idea of society collectively saying "you were a victim, therefor you can no longer be part of these certain things that we associate with what happened to you because they make us feel uncomfortable." If she is not…
Wait, because Rhianna is a victim of domestic violence, we aren't interested in her voice or supporting her? I'm fucking way more interested in hearing her sing than listen to whatever garbage Roger Goddell and Ray Rice are going to spew.
That the guy also owns a Ray Lewis jersey?
"I have never, ever hit a woman. But let's be honest. Maybe, one day, I just might."
To be fair, if anyone knows about players who did worse than Rice did, it's a Ravens fan.
The first step in an abusive relationship is the abuser isolating the victim; as a society we don't speak frankly about domestic violence and even write it off as a "private matter;" every other comment on every single post about Ray Rice was a man saying "I don't know any man who would ever raise his hand to a woman"…
After the spike, the hotline was immediately flagged for excessive celebration.
This is legitimately the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
There is a great quote from the Civil War from when the Confederacy thought about arming slaves to help fight, one CSA politician replied, ""If slaves will make good soldiers, our whole theory of slavery is wrong." In that same sense, many people cannot bring themselves to admit that talented athletes can be…
You know what sent me over the edge? It was the story about LeSean McCoy and the twenty cent tip. What struck me were some of the comments. We spent the whole day reading reams of outrage about Ray Rice and his behavior, and then in the comments on this stupid little story about a bad tip, we have people using words…
I lived in my Grandmother's creepy basement when I was 19. A spider lived between two stairs to the upper floor: I named him Pancake* and I really liked the little guy, would say hi everytime I went up.
I still want to know what they thought was on the video. The first video clearly showed a conscious Rice callously dragging an unconscious Palmer out of the elevator. They knew Palmer was conscious when she entered the elevator. I assume most assaults that leave a woman unconscious are not much more or less hard to…
Fucking sick of this. Here are the undisputed facts everyone knew before seeing the video. Ray Rice hit his fiancé, and that hit knocked her unconscious. Both were initially charged with a crime. When a grand jury viewed the video, it dropped the charges against her, and increased the charges against him.
this is an appropriate time to share that a month or so ago, I was innocently peeing, and for some reason, looked down at the piece of toilet paper I was about to rub on my lady business. And there was a spider on it, chilling out, living in my toilet paper.
I am going to really inspect my fruit and veggies at the store from now on, and of course if I find something I'll burn the store down as experts have recommended.
So she got all the eggs, but where is the spider that laid them?
ESPN's broadcast partnerships necessarily inhibit its ability to be a legitimate news organization. It cannot simultaneously be attached to the NFL by showing its games and be detached enough to offer substantive criticism of the league. We shouldn't look to ESPN to be skeptical. That's what Deadspin is for! (PLEASE…
That's a really hard question to answer, because it depends on how much, how often, and what he's using it for. I liken it to wine. Is someone having a glass of wine with dinner every night to wind down, and relax, or is that person drinking a bottle?