
Please tell me more about the women you do love.

I wouldn't say I'm emotionally invested in this exchange, but I realize someone who is looking for an easy way to put someone in her place might be inclined to characterize me as emotional. What would be so bad about being emotionally invested anyway?

Super sorry I don't think your brilliant pendulum analysis is helpful towards womyn.


IDGAF, bro

There should be a touchdown-type dance for trolls moving the goalpost by completely ignoring the text in the article and the other comments made. Gabrielle Gifford's group and the trend referenced here was not limited to "mass shootings motivated by gender." This is obvious by reading the really, really fucking short

1. OP, referencing the article, said that one murderer and wannabe murderer does not make a trend.

I bet anything he has a fat baby boomer pension and just wants to ride it out prosecuting drug possessions until he spends the rest of his days golfing and surfing internet porn. DV is hard, why should he get in that game? Ugh, fucking disgusting wanker.

I quoted the motherfucking article that I just read. ASSHOLE.

One time I was seated at a table of single ladies (or at least ladies without dates). There was a moment where we realized that the bride had previously explained to us (the college friends) that she had two cousins — one "trashy" cousin and one "normal" cousin — and that trashy cousin was seated with us. Normal

Right? Even Paris Hilton made Stars are Blind.

Are those cheekbones new? Apparently having a stylist apply contouring makeup got too tiring...

That's good to know, but I wonder if the artist bothered to email the sorority presidents, or UW admin. A few signs explaining the art installation could have been helpful too. In the absence of that, given that the UCSB shooter wanted to kill sorority sisters, it seems more than just ill-timed because of Bhinde. If

"Its inferred by the tone in the article." = "I inferred this from the tone of the article." Fixed it.

"women are eleven times more likely to be killed by guns than any other high-income country and and every month, nearly 50 women are shot to death by a current or former partner"

Actually, the friend who does this is not a geek/nerd — he's an ex-frat bro. He doesn't have Aspberger's. I mean, if I feel bad for anyone, it's the frat bros who were apparently promised the babes and aren't getting them. My astrophysicist ex-husband and his friends are doing just fine.

Despite his concern for nerds and geeks, this troll is hilariously bad at doing the actual math.

Correlation =/= causation, dumbass. You aren't even an actual nerd. You might want to take up a sport?

Here's the thing — I'm not sure what your larger point is? That women are superficial (and don't deserve to be)? Or that nerdy guys don't approach women or don't have as good of social skills that lead to relationships with women (and that this is the fault of women, somehow)? Because your data doesn't show anything

Right, we know that "women" to these assholes is #notallwomen though. Only a small minority of men is able to have sex with the upper quintile of really hot, young women. And women are to blame for this because these really hot, young women just aren't pulling their weight to thwart misogyny by being able to satisfy