
Oh. Hell. No. Please no nonononononoooo. Maybe I’ll get a break because mine was so farking devastating (by which I mean that I lost nearly everything including my life). And I hope you get some relief soon. I guess THIS is why women don’t talk about it - not to me anyway, nor any drs. The number of websites is

It’s 8 years for me and still going on. I read somewhere that the AVERAGE is something like 11 years. Yeesh.

You’re welcome! I refused to put out a “cute” pic if I could help it. Thankfully a mugshot came through!

And what happened to Ted Nugent as a result of that?

She has been an activist and feminist for a long time, so this is not some new branding ploy, as you put it.

this is what happens when commenters clearly don’t know their subject matter.


TMZ is the worst. I’m firmly on Kathy Griffin’s side on this one.

This is the hill you’ve decided to die on: Defending your decision to make a joke about a woman who is too ugly to rape.

You fucking double down on your bullshit when you get called out. Grow the fuck up. Your comment was disgusting.

The only thing you were wrong about was when you said he’s better than that. He’s... not. He does this shit all the time.

Saying a woman is too ugly to rape, for whatever reason, is literally rape culture. Using a woman’s looks against her, for whatever reason, is sexist bullshit. You could’ve called her an asshole rape apologist, but instead you went into your little bag of insults and thought, “hmmm, what’s the worst thing I can say

I’m saying that calling a woman too ugly to rape puts you in some really gross company. If you’re okay with that then go for it.

I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing. I understand what you’re trying to do, but I don’t find that kind of talk remotely helpful. You’re still saying someone is too ugly to rape, but it’s totally okay because she said something shitty.

I understand the frustration, but keep in mind that’s a common accusation people like to throw back at rape victims. “Ugh, who would want to rape her?”

That’s really fucked up. I know you’re better than that.

The “but women in Haiti and Africa have it worse, look at them!” deflection was a nice extra touch.

This comment will blow up in your face like dynamite. Ticktickticktick Boom, Dynamite.

Honestly, at this point African American has become a coded word for racists.

“We’ve done Coachella, EDC, Ultra, everything.”
Even when I was 20, this statement would make me want to punch that person.