
oh ok. Please name the quiet and uptight person that Andy Cohen has had on his show.

yeah, nothing calms people down like a couple lines of blow.

I think offering coke and booze to people before they go on a chat show is pretty manipulative. If there were no cameras and microphones and no audience, I would agree that offering booze and cocaine is gracious and hospitable.

let’s keep in touch! you can write to me when you’re in prison. Just kidding. I won’t write to you when you’re in prison.

You’re not a victim. And weinstein is denied the harm he caused in the same way that you are. Your words cause actual harm. Your beliefs are dangerous. Like I said, someday there will be real consequences for your behavior. So, keep it up if you want. I hope you’ll think of me when the real consequences happen. I

it’s really a shame that you don’t understand that YOU are part of the problem. You are on the same side as Weinstein and Cosby Trump and all the other monsters of the world. You don’t understand that people are arguing with you because they’re trying to help you understand how harmful your words and ideas are. I

grow up.

admitting that you made a mistake isn’t spineless. It’s what grown-ups do.

I know that you think you’re being a righteous warrior for social justice but you KNEW what you said was misogynistic and you said it anyway. I think the moral of the story should be that no one deserves to be sexually harassed or sexually assaulted or raped or ANY of the disgusting, dehumanizing things that all of

hey you know who else said someone was too ugly to rape? The current president. So I guess you’re in good company!

The duct tape was a theory invented by sloppy cops and passed on to sloppy reporters. By the time they found her body, there wasn’t much left. It was just pieces of a skeleton among a bunch of garbage.

terminal vagueness will kill me

that’s the beauty of free speech

I liked it when Larry Wilmore told him to go fuck himself.

...who graduated from high school with a solid C average.

Tomi Lahren is a psychopath, just like Donald Trump. She has the self awareness of a pinto bean.

Don’t you get it? ALL costumes make a girl look like a whore. Miniskirt? Slut. Pajamas? Slut. Surgical Scrubs? Hazmat suit? Definitely asking for it.

And even if she was, so what? The idea that any person who turns down a job could be pestered or coerced or trapped, (private jet) into doing that job is bullshit.

gaslighting 101.

not sure what a bunch of assholes harassing people on the beach has to do with what a woman wears or doesn’t wear. The assholes are the problem, not the clothes.