Same way we got suckered into wearing asscrack hiphugger plumber’s jeans again - - history repeats itself +people never learn.
Same way we got suckered into wearing asscrack hiphugger plumber’s jeans again - - history repeats itself +people never learn.
what the ever loving fuck? I wear a cardi when I’m chilly. Why would I want the shoulders cut out?
All cosmetic commercials are a lie. Wrinkle cream? Botox. Mascara? False eyelashes. Volumizing hairspray? Extensions. Foundation (and also everything else)? Digital retouching.
I’m really curious to see what happens at my predominately female workplace tomorrow. I’ll be working as I’m a legal advocate that primarily helps female victims of domestic violence.
idk I google lots of weird shit
I could never be a pro model. Being an actress is shit enough, but at least some of us are able to get into unions and there’s a bit more diversity in the field.
Blood sausage. It’s basically a cake of baked blood. English!
Former model here. Maida and Ramy are sick fucks. Their thing is to call hundreds of girls they have no intention of ever booking to a casting all at the same time and have them wait from 4-8 hours to be seen. They take their books when they arrive (agency portfolios - cost a bunch of money and are hard to replace) so…
I just don’t understand why the fuck anyone would do this. Is it just a show of power? To belittle the models, who are actually a necessary asset to the design houses, to keep them meek or some shit? wtf
Black pudding.
You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they would have cooked you a full English breakfast.
I wouldn’t have used “rectified” in my letter in this situation.
I think that looking at it for an hour of work isn’t right, though. She may be performing for an hour, but the work that it takes to create that hour of comedy gold counts as many more hours of unpaid work. Writing, rehearsing, promoting, those things don’t pay on their own, and they take a ton of time. Say she makes…
bingo. that’s why i’ll tell anyone and everyone in my industry how much i make and how much i’ve made in the past! be empowered and informed people, and i’m here to help!
Yeah, I’ve said elsewhere, but I’ve had personal experience with this. Some deeply unfair compensations were being made and talking about our salaries amongst ourselves was the only way it changed.
I don’t have anything super articulate to add here, just wanted to say that Bamford is the best and that everyone needs to watch Lady Dynamite on Netflix.
awesome. i love taking away the stigma around talking about money, especially for women
Not to mention that the sugar in the juice causes bloating. Lean protein like turkey is obv the smarter choice, and Dr. Luke is obviously a fucking idiot (among other things)
This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.