
Unfortunately, with all the investigations going on in just the White House, the House oversight committee responsible the other administration’s departments won’t be able to investigate until about 2035.

I’ll go to bat for DmC. The definitive edition is good and the game has better level design than a lot of the other game. I don’t know what makes a thing “proper” besides White Hair On Dante, but in retrospect I’d say DmC is fine for what it is. Itsuno seems to think so too, since he considered making a sequel to it.


It's more the low refresh rate that is the issue. 60Hz is not good if you want to minimize motion sickness

Buy the book and find out!!!

It’s criminal how much they charge for these.

It’s criminal how much they charge for these.

Can’t believe how expensive these things are. I’ve been debating buying a second dock to remove the guts and put into one of those mini travel sized shells. Wish nintendo would make a real travel dongle!

Can’t believe how expensive these things are. I’ve been debating buying a second dock to remove the guts and put

Apple: It just makes you work for them.


Please quit writing “how to recycle” articles that don’t just say “read your local recycling company rules”. For instance, here are the ones that apply to me: If I don’t follow them, my recycling becomes trash. Note how they indicate that caps should be removed and rinsed.

Josh, this article is a wild generalization- you cannot tell people how to recycle the lids, because every jurisdiction is different. Some will have the ability to separate the caps, while others cannot. Your entire article could be summed up in one sentence; “Check with your local waste disposal service” on their

It’s just an issue with these Lifehacker articles about recycling. They’re highly generalized. It’s best for everyone to look up the rules of their municipality rather than blindly follow some article they read on the internet.

Where I live we get a mailer every so often that has an info graphic on what can and can’t recycled and plastic caps of all kinds are not supposed to be recycled. I don’t understand this.

So Stephens took the high road and you wrote a bunch of emails that look like they could have been written by an angry 12 year-old, and you actually think that by writing this and copying those emails and publishing them, we’re going to take your side?

It’s because every collector is different, generalization is impossible, and articles like these don’t help.

But, when you break it down and think about it, it’s not that much more expensive than most baby things”

But, when you break it down and think about it, it’s not that much more expensive than most baby things”

These games aren’t for everyone, but claiming they are poorly made is just objectively wrong. They do what they set out to do extremely well.

They’re not trying to be GTA. The only similarities are that they involve crime and they take place in a city. Yakuza is closer to a JRPG in terms of progression and structure.

I hope everyone who pointed out Amazon was definitely bringing in those jobs to NYC and it clearly wasn’t some Foxconn type scam is paying attention.

The directors are complaining because it is the default setting on most TVs, and it can be difficult to find the setting to turn it off IF you are even aware of it. It should be something people can turn on if they want to (I don’t know why they would), but it shouldn’t be the default setting when it is not the