
I absolutely agree that the premise itself and some of what was shown has a lot of promise but I think there’s a lot of good reasons to be cautious.

*not actual gameplay footage

I get that it’s more rewarding for me to get stomped now but rewarding and fun are two different things. When it comes to PvP Destiny seems to always come back around to the problem being ‘low population’ and the solution always seems to be to just strongarm people into playing something they don’t enjoy which is why

I understand that steps are being made here but unless something has changed very recently I don’t understand how anyone would consider a system that places full, organized teams against a group of randos ‘fair’ by any stretch at all.

To be fair that’s not all they get, let’s be honest here.

This is one of the major reasons I don’t think of EGL’s lack of forums (and almost every other feature) as ‘no big deal’

I came here to say this, this is Ziggurat as fuck

This was absolutely the biggest problem with this game. If you were already burned out on the standard open world, copy/paste mission structure than this game would do absolutely nothing for you gameplay wise.

They’re talking specifically about the ping system (i imagine) which was a huge deal when it first came out in Apex and was almost immediately copied into Fortnite.

Given how quick the levels are you might be just fine playing it this way.

While this was neat visually and interesting in it’s overall execution I don’t know if basically just streaming 3 studio recordings really counts as a concert.

I can see where you’re coming from here but this upgrade requires a very specific setup to work on the PS5.
As far as the length of the drive goes that’s obviously less of a big deal than it would seem as that’s fairly normal across all modern PCs but once you factor in an absolute need for a cooling solution but a

You do see all the Amazon affiliate links all over this site right?

Honestly you can pretty much always tell when your reading a BS user review as people tend to be very up front and obnoxious about it.

Does this not seem like a ‘game specifically made to pay the bills’ tho? It screams ‘we need more revenue fast’ with it’s lackluster design and ‘live-service/MTX’ systems.

Platinum on their A game are astounding, even when they don’t succeed on every front.

Platinum on their B game....well that’s another story. This feels like SE basically just said ‘you guys are doing great but we need you to bring in steady revenue’ and they just shrugged and pulled this out of their ass to appease a

Showcasing a ‘new’ franchise at an E3 event and dropping a same day demo that just straight up wont even boot and causes the system to kick you back to the dashboard 100% of the time justifies more than a little suspicion.

This is a wildly inept move on their part and to say maybe they did it on purpose is at least

This doesn’t read as corny, this reads as exactly what you’d expect when Nomura goes edgelord.

Does it?