
Care to define exactly who you’re talking about when you say ‘a group of a million who are ran by terrorists’ or are you being vague because you know better than to just say what you mean?

I’m honestly shocked to see a reasonable price point on this. Feels like lately the price for these sorts of packaged re-releases has gotten out of hand given how little they add to decades old games. If you’re a huge fan I can understand how you’d get them just to get them but they’re no longer priced in such a way

I’m with you on everything except the Uncharted climbing thing. That ‘gameplay’ mechanic has always been such a drag for me even in the Uncharted games. It feels similar to when games would make you crawl thru caves or slowly open doors to hide loading screens exception it’s like 10x as long (and doesn’t actually load

I fail to see the logic of why you can’t download a game directly to external storage and just move it over to internal when you want to actually play it (or if it’s not actually out yet and you’re just downloading it in advance). Given the PS5's issues with its SSD storage stability it seems unwise to be constantly

I had the exact opposite reaction at first. Dusk gave me some serious Quake vibes but Amid Evil gave me flashbacks to the first Unreal and all the obnoxious use of saturated colors.

Between that and the fact the store still doesn’t surface important information, like whether or not a game supports cloud-saves, that really make it feel like a vastly inferior storefront.

The complete lack of any explanation on how to use weapons blows my mind. Outside of wandering to the training area by accident the game has no interest in teaching you how to use any of it’s weapons and even when you do find the training area it only provides you a loose set of static commands without any explanation

Yeah between the art and the music the fact the actual game itself felt really rushed towards the back half didn’t really matter that much on the first few playthrus.

I was honestly excited when I heard this was coming back because I was hoping they’d go back and add a lot of the stuff that was cut from the game due to

My PS5 is worlds quieter than my launch PS4 Pro but still substantially louder than my Series X. I have no problem with that as, again, it’s nowhere near as deafening as my PS4 Pro was but I’m also worried because that console slowly got louder overtime until it became a hairdryer about 2 years in. Hoping something

I never much cared for the auto-recording of achievements when the original Xbox One launched with it but I can see how in certain situations it’d be neat. I think the big issue right now is that it’s kind of annoying to figure out how to find/delete them on the PS5 and it’s practically necessary to do so with how

I’ll admit it’s been a while since I heard the OST for the first game but this music seems....nowhere near as good as I recall from the original.

They did get rid of it a little while ago. It was a nightmare before the update as, like stated here, if you forgot to put a pet in stasis you’d likely loose them after a month or so of inactivity which /absolutely/ felt cruel, especially with the flavor text given.

To an extent, sure. Once again tho this /specific/ complaint doesn’t interface with a single thing that you’d spend money on. If your complaint is that the game is punishing you for not interacting with your space dog and you feel that is emotionally manipulative the only option the game gives you to avoid that is to

This is absolutely true of nearly all ‘Live Service’ games as well and while I begrudgingly understand the need for it in a game that has no upfront cost and needs steady income to even justify the initial investment of making the game in the first place it feels even more gross in full priced titles.

You say it’s better in Animal Crossing because ‘there’s no money to spend after the initial purchase’ but the mechanic this article is complaining about doesn’t involve a purchase, it simply involves logging into the game and pressing a single button on a semi-regular basis. I understand there are tons of mechanics in

I can absolutely understand why people new to Persona loved 5 as much as they did but the story/characters felt so much weaker in 5 than they did in the previous couple of entries.

I got maybe 4 hours of enjoyment out of Shadowkeep (this may honestly be an over-estimate) and maybe an hour out of the first two ‘Seasons’ before just not even bothering coming back for the rest of what I paid for w/ the pass.

I think leaving after Forsaken is probably the best call you can make. It will likely never

The bigger problem, outside of how you feel about guest characters, is that the choice to add Robocop after how terrible the Terminator was seems weird.

Just a heads up the price for the PD 3.0 Power bank is $40 not $30

Just a heads up the price for the PD 3.0 Power bank is $40 not $30

The absolute worst part is that a lot of its ideas are interesting and would be fun if executed well but everything here just feels super janky and unresponsive.