
Absolutely agree.

I feel fairly confident this ended up in the wrong story.

I really wanted to like this but some of the characters and are just unbearable and the writing can get really obnoxious.

I also went and got Hades almost as soon as it was annoucned because it seemed right up my alley and I was fairly excited to see what Epic had going on given my general disdain for what Steam has become.

I would feel substantially less angry if they made any kind of attempt to build a decent service before just taking the easy road and writing a bunch of checks.

‘the only difference I care about’ only applies to the person saying it. You have as much of a right to get angry about my priorities as I do to get angry at you for not sharing them.

It absolutely wears its Contra Hard Corps inspriation on it’s sleave and that’s a large part of why I’m so damn excited for it.

There are few things I hated more / am more happy to see go than the ability to spec yourself into a corner and be completely screwed.

Im assuming you’re talking about 2 right?

The problem with DMC was always that part of it’s audience didn’t get the whole ‘camp and cheese’ thing and took it very literally.

As I stated what I’m looking for is more people who have having performance issues on similar builds to me and for people who are reporting about issues that are fixed or caused by updates.

Just a heads up in case you are having issues with the game bar.

I understand that, but that doesn’t change the fact it serves a purpose for those of us who do bother. Every system can and will be exploited that doesn’t mean they are inherently useless.

I understand that idea but there are quite a few of us who actually like to read thru some user reviews when making a purchase. Performance issues specific to certain PCs, issues brought about or fixed since the latest patch, and other such things are nearly impossible to find in an ‘official’ review so there’s few

To be completely fair PSO2 and MHF are games that require a lot more work than simply doing a localization pass. Those games require servers, sustained support, and the steady stream on revenue to justify it.

There’s something about the cheap aesthetic that lends itself well to dialogue driven comedy. I mean.... Home Movies is still probably one of the best animated shows of all time and it’s no looker either. The early rotoscoped stuff was the same way before they got that Archer budget, Frisky Dingo was amazing!

‘If you just can’t stand the show or find it dumb...’

I cannot understand the people who will go out of their way to explain how Fortnite isn’t copying an idea from another game.

I find it really difficult to enjoy this aesthetic, despite growing up during the initial push of 3D consoles and the first waves of 3D graphics cards. I enjoyed the original Anodyne quite a bit so I’m more than willing to check this out but I’m not sold on it’s look at this point.

I’ve found the ping system to be so amazing that I don’t feel I’m ever at a substantial disadvantage playing casually with chat off.