
As stated in my initial response, my comments are based on the sole quote listed for this article. I haven’t watched the video, as the sole quote that’s supposed to ‘sell me on it’ only serves to frustrate me and I’m finding it hard to stay sane if I indulge my anger on the internet.

To follow up that point, why should it be on their community to self police for free then?

When you phrase it appropriately it sounds a lot less dickish, yes.

I’ll agree with that last part of that but the idea of ‘If you want to be an ally give me money or free labor’ is an shitty thing to say.

Man what a terrible quote. Give us money or do some of our work for us (moderate) for free.

This seems to make the most sense given how they tried to completely deny the campaign ever existed.

This is a blanket statement that is way more often wrong than it is right.

Why ruin just one franchise when you can ruin two!

It’s absolutely worth mentioning that all the press over ‘puddlegate’ was a ton of bullshit. People seem to forget that /anyone/ can tweet whatever nonsense they’d like and just because you found some random person complaining about some nonsense to his small group of followers doesn’t mean it’s worth talking about.

The big advantage is that no one is expecting much of anything from this title. That sounds shitty, and it kind of is shitty, but if it comes out and is even just slightly better than average it could surprise some people and do fairly better than most expect.

Cant help but notice that all the reasons to keep playing are about presentation and not about gameplay

The need to publish is to inform, it really is that simple.

How is this clickbait? It’s simply listing a potential problem and the fix that’s been found. This is one of the few objectively useful articles on this site.

I don’t know if I share this experience.

It’s a different kind of game, not an objectively better version of it for sure. I need to put more time in but so far I vastly prefer PUBG for similar reasons. The lack of a decent ballistics model and the nonstop momentum leads to some insanely quick deaths from out of nowhere very early in matches (no matter where

I’m certain if you wanted to look into it you could find a lot of content that is political that isn’t overly violent as well. This is clearly not an example of that.

This is a statement implying the conversation is about if the game should be allowed to exist.

‘What if they introduced backtracking, or a connected open world, or some other weird, game-changing idea?’

I was about to say if any of the money I paid for Colonial Marines was a part of what was taken I’m completely OK with it.

Yeah I was going to say that even if they get the gameplay in a good place it wont feel like SOR unless the music is absolutely top notch.