
I was looking to see if anyone was going to mention refunds.

While that’s entirely understandable this article doesn’t really delve into the systems of this game that come from it being free from microtransaction based income.

Currently the most prominent feature in the ‘automator’ which is a progression based logic system you build while you play. The automator will preform

Because a game that’s fun to watch isn’t necessarily a game that’s fun to play.

I honestly believe that the more you try to follow the story in these games the less you’ll enjoy them.

It seems that it varies between 8 and 15 on most of the channels I watch, and as far as I’ve noticed it seems to vary rapidly on a per-stream basis.

Outside of the obvious ‘Microsoft exclusive’ thing I also think there’s something to be said for being able to interact with a game like this without the substantial delay you get from Twitch. I don’t think Mixer is a particularly amazing or superior service at this time but the reduced delay makes it more suitable

If your parents aren’t dropping you out of school so you can spend 18 hours a day playing video games then they’re bad parents! They just don’t believe in you!

I couldn’t disagree more that purchasing a game and then paying for additional content than getting a set amount of content for free and making purchases from there are even close to the same. The problem people with with ‘the words DLC’ is that companies are taking free to play models and incorporating them into

I won’t speak to the rest of the post (until we hear pricing on the US release) but I will say that comparing the pricing structure to a (on console anyways) F2P game is a bit off.

I think the easiest way to avoid a ‘why didn’t you like X‘ conversation would be not to converse with those people.

Also I always thought the idea of Patreon was that you paid to support artists and the ‘exclusive content’ was a nice bonus. I don’t support artists solely to get to see their art before anyone else (that’s silly) I support them to support them.

I actually agree. It’s too clean and everything looks off in a way that makes it seem like a fan project done in a new engine (like all the ‘here’s the first stage of this game in UE4' videos).

You should definitely check out Battlerite if you haven’t yet.

So your complaint, to be clear, is that /not/ modifying art from its original state (which is what dubbing is) is akin to censorship which is akin to fascism?

The bottom line likely comes down to money far more than time. They are releasing a niche title in a niche genre. Honestly the choice could have easily been to release it with original VO or not release it at all.

That second sentence is a joke you right?


I think you may be misunderstanding the point. He’s not paying to be advertised to, and neither are you. The advertisements on this site pay him as you see them, at no point are you paying anything to anyone. That’s basically the /whole point/

You are absolutely right, I misunderstood.

Actually you need those sensors as well so you’re looking at $140 more than the Vive.