
The game itself is kind of awful actually but the themes and the story and interesting to say the least. I’d reccomend looking up a playthru on Youtube but try to keep it to players who will respect the story to a degree, since if you intend to make jokes the whole time then you likely won’t enjoy the experience.

My tastes normally differ so much from yours but in this case we can agree on this game.
I hope word of mouth gives this game the success it deserves

My primary concern with the game is still with it’s performance, as all demos I’ve played and seen have had horrifically unstable framerates.
If they can polish it up a bit and make some hard decisions about visuals (I imagine some effects will need to be toned down, no matter how much time they spend optimizing) and

Then shouldn’t the title be ‘Why Half Life 2's Story Doesn’t Live Up To It’s Predecessor’?
I kept reading, expecting to hear about the actual game, only to just keep hearing issues with the story/lore as if Half Life is a book series.

I’m cautiously optimistic, but even that feels like a mistake given how things tend to go for the franchise. Please let me be wrong.
Also kinda surprised they didn’t tap GalaxyTrail for this, but they’re likely busy with their own games.

I am not joking at all when I say this is the best gaming news I’ve heard since the announcement for the release date of Last Guardian. I had given up on waiting for this....and suddenly it's right around the corner. So happy.

These are cosmetic items, they aren’t needed for anything other than to ‘look cool’. It’s an entirely different beast.
It does suck, it sucks real bad, but the absolute worst thing it can do it you is keep your character from looking slightly different than everyone elses.

A preference is something you would ‘prefer’ what annoys me is this is a demand. I’d prefer all games offer both the original dub and an English dub so I can have the choice but I don’t refuse to play anything because it lacks one or the other.

Look you’re having a reasonable argument about being annoyed with the change, where the original poster basically said without a dub ‘they wouldn’t bother with it’ which is different.
All I’m saying is that if you are willing to throw away a large part of a game you’d otherwise enjoy just because you aren’t hearing a

Well it is just about reading or not reading if you completely disregard the story because you don’t have the option to listen to a page of text instead of reading it. It’s not a visual novel, as someone who’s played story mode you aren’t reading a small novel by any means.
Being annoyed/disappointed is one thing,

You’ll avoid doing the story mode because you can’t be bothered to read?

Personally I found the fact the story didn’t revolve entirely around the main characters to be the best part of the story. The focus was on the battle itself, and about the larger picture as a whole.
Some of us were getting burned out on the melodrama and ‘you are the hero destined to save us’ stuff that comes from

Please consider that this mindset about 'preferring an active playstyle' is contrary to the objective based style of the game. This isn't TDM, the goal is to defend/capture objectives. Being more 'active' doesn't mean anything if you aren't able to properly defend the point.

I honestly think the whole debate over the DLC coming out is missing the bigger argument people need to be having.

The problem often isn’t that games are delayed but they’re delayed at the absolute last moment.

It’s been a long time since I’ve logged in to Kinja.

I wish the internet had more people like this. People who understand that their opinions about someone are not the only thing that matters. I was worried I'd come here and read a whole lot of shit throwing just because some people don't enjoy TB as a commentator.

In real life you run into to the occasional asshole and learning to deal with that is indeed part of being a mature person, however...

Windows will recognize it as a generic controller without any extra applications. That said, there's quite a lot of games that don't play very nicely with generic controllers and those that do can require a bit of extra work. Using a program like the one mentioned gives you effortless compatability with anything that

Google DS4 to Xinput manager and use that. It makes the DS4 work perfectly with anything that would normally work with the 360 controller