It’s not Kristen’s fault her stupid dreams have made her choose this stupid name and that stupid photo and also I blame her stupid husband and her stupid friends who knew exactly what she was doing and didn’t forcibly stop her from doing it.
It’s not Kristen’s fault her stupid dreams have made her choose this stupid name and that stupid photo and also I blame her stupid husband and her stupid friends who knew exactly what she was doing and didn’t forcibly stop her from doing it.
Well just look at who isn’t all about that bass this morning.
I hate the term “Meghan Trainor” and I think she should be banned.
Oh I’m with you there. The second thing I looked for after my daughter was born was to see if she got my normal feet or my husband’s family’s feet. He’s got bear paws on one side and gnarly hooves on the other. Poor girl, at some point open toed shoes will not be an option for her.
Yes it would. Also, all the “take his leg”-comments in here piss me off. Hate him all you like, don’t we all, but please lay off the stupid comments about his prosthetic legs. It’s just too shitty be an ass about that.
Safety tip for today: Hey ladies, never, ever date any-nationally recognized professional athlete anywhere, anytime.
I’m fine with him being under house arrest so long as every time he uses the bathroom they put a guy with a gun on the outside. You know, in case there’s an intruder.
Okay but also bike lanes should be banned in general because cyclists should be banned because they never FUCKING FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE GODDAMN ROAD YOU CANNOT RUN A FUCKING STOP SIGN I AM IN A GIANT METAL TWO TON CYCLIST KILLING MACHINE YOU GODDAMN MORONS
Trip Fountaine is still the best character name ever.
What is going on with Gwyn’s head in that picture?
OMG when i saw the lead image i had a heart attack thinking this was an article announcing their divorce. these two are relationship goals, big time. my husband and i went to see them with my parents and it was soooo funny, however extremely awkward since they talk about oral 95% of the time
you’re a weird kid, andsmokeit.
like when he justified his Glass-Steagall vote with the info that he didn’t really know how to be a senator at the time