and don’t forget her clueless PR team also let this one slip through.
and don’t forget her clueless PR team also let this one slip through.
I was married to a man whose mother was the judge from hell. I got to know her and several of her friends who were also judges. I hope that I am wrong in assuming that all judges are crooked pieces of shit.
Gwyns head looks extremely ill proportioned in that photo.
a friend of mine knocked a biker over at an intersection recently while I was a passenger in the car. the cyclist ran their red light, and my friend had the right of way. luckily the friend was stopped, so she couldn’t have been going more than 5ish mph. the cyclist got up, waved an apology, and kept going.
‘Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee.. a wholly unelectable, charmingly unprepared bird of a man.’
kinda feel like these two should be sterilized so they can’t do this again
this happens to me more often than I’d like. so more often than never. also.. shouldn’t headphones also send the same signal? but they don’t.