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Ass juice

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

Yes! The reading comprehension is very low in this one! Like, grade five low. I taught middle school literature for a bit, and the question “why is Hermione’s face described as white” could conceivably be a question in one of our standardized tests. I feel confident that “because she is caucasian” wouldn’t qualify as

Anna, call me. I’ll ghostwrite for you.

That would be amazing! Run Anna run!

I hate to break it to you, nothing prepares you to care for an ill spouse. It’s pretty fucking hard.

The Conde Nast execuctive related to Timmy Geithner.

one of the two or three best presidents of the 21st century

This take is dumb as fucking dog shit.

I had multiple male ‘friends’ crawl out of the woodwork and try to date me when i went on a break with my no husband about 5 years ago. They all kind of sidled in under the guise of being someone to talk to and then made moves.

I went out with a friend of mine once, he got super drunk, and started hitting on me all night. I shut him down, gently, and kind of left it at that. I will always respect him for what happened next: The next time I saw him, without any prompting he apologized for that night, apologized for making me feel

I’ve definitely ended friendships over this before. It’s entirely weird having someone feel that way about you in ways you don’t reciprocate. Having had the experience of being “comforted” by someone who you know is internally fist-pumping your breakup so they can make their move is fucking awful.

I guess I’ll have to be the monster and admit I’m cool with my husband having women friends, to a certain extent.

I’m single, but am on the other side of this with a close male friend who happens to be someone I used to date. Was, in fact, the person he was dating when he met his now-wife. We never stopped hanging out, but it took several years for her to be okay with it—she pretended she had never met me every time we saw each

Depends on what I know and think of the person. Only in extreme cases would I second-guess mrs. mcdonut’s judgement. She doesn’t have the best judgement of character, but isn’t an idiot. There was a coworker in her past that I had to specifically describe certain actions of his and detail how those typically aren’t

Does it make a difference if the person in question has the hots for your partner? Maybe it’s just me, but when that person would be SO down in case my partner ever wanted some extracurriculars, I feel like it’s a hard pass for me. His friends don’t have to be my friends, but they do need to have a basic respect for


I definitely don't disagree with your point, Hillary. Even if it is "just a fantasy" for that guy, I would prefer he not be freely walking down the street with the ability to, at any spontaneous moment, turn his fantasy into reality. I can just see - ever so slightly - how the judge found there just wasn't quite