
The artist is obviously skilled, judging by everything from the neck up,

Does anyone not think it's a publicity stunt?

Ha ha awesome. And not surprised King would be amused and happy for her. He founded a charity to help writers who have come on hard times and is a big advocate for working authors.

The "Andy" part is what confuses me the most.

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

The term "Liberal", in many places outside of the US, has a very different connotation. I can't speak for Japan but in Europe, our countries have seen several societal revolutions: first, Churches held all the power, then came the so-called "Liberal Revolution". This meant that people in general got more

Keyword here is "ex-employees"

It's sort of like how the Nazi's were the "National Socialist Party." They weren't socialists, just like this party isn't liberal.

I run a food blog for fun. Does that make me a douchebag? :(

If you call someone a faggot (while you're shoplifting, no less), I think that you should be so lucky that they stop at just Febrezing you.

and your point is? from my perspective, when people say "it's bullshit to make judge people based on their size" it applies in both directions. you are correct, two wrongs do not make a right. you can stop there. this isn't about who catches more shit in the aggregate, this is about treating people as individuals. fat

Oh hey, I bet you'd be interested in this:

regardless of anyone's size, it's shitty to judge or mock people for their presumed eating choices.

Thanks for sharing your measurements! They are relevant!

One thing that gets on my nerves is women who won't let other women eat in peace. The ones that look at your plate always and watch everyone eat. If you have a salad, they shit on you for eating just a salad. If you eat pizza, they give you shit for eating pizza. "Are you really going to eat that greasy thing? Really,

Careful there, your ignorance is showing. Person of color is another way of saying "non-white." It is actually the way most people of color refer to ourselves because, as a collective, we are not a minority and because we can call ourselves what we want.

Actually, "Person of color" or POC is a widely used term in the US for people who aren't white. Perhaps you are confusing it with the antiquated term of "colored".

"Dude, I grew up in a small village, and the racism I've experienced in a metropolitan city as NYC, I never experiences in that small village."

European racism is a thing of terrible ugliness. They just don't "get it" really and truly.