
I’ll tell you what—try this in your workplace. Go ahead and propose it to see if you can get a willing party involved in a game that is sexual in nature. Oh, and make sure to involve your bosses and executives, too.

If they didn’t volunteer to do this, was shoved on stage and forced, then I see your point.

Buddy I got some bad news for ya, this post isn’t some instantaneous knee jerk reaction, it is built upon a long running history of sexism that makes it hard to see this as just “adults having fun” now if this was just one instance of crazy office party fun, you wouldn’t be reading this post

Is this even a surprise? It’s ass backwards China.

They chose the perfect operating system for freezing

Possibly. Having a stronger wifi signal will allow your device to use less power establishing a connection. So even if you’re not actively using it, if your mobile device is pinging the network every now and then to check for data or updates, this would extend the battery life of your devices. Also, it might be nice

What a shock, a conservative who can’t stand when people disagree with him. So you voted for a guy you think will make the whole world your ‘safe space.’

Opinions should based on facts. I, and most other liberals, can and will accept factual arguments. This is just a bunch of brain diarrhea based on a fundamental misunderstanding of reality.

He was only off by two feet.

I’ve always loved the conservative retort being “you don’t tolerate my intolerance ergo you’re not intolerant!” There’s no reason to, say, tolerate bigotry. Or racism. Or sexism. Those things should not be tolerated.

Jesus you even muffed your come back.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension.

“I want to call out people on purely racial terms but not be called a racist.”

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

“Someone remind me why Sanders’ inner circle wrote off the South again?”

The horrors of Canadian socialism? What a jackass. I pay half of my paycheck in the US for shit health care and weaponry.

If you’re not looking back, may I suggest you look forward? Get involved on the local level, run for city council or school board, or get involved in the campaign of someone who you respect on the local level. If you feel voting is unproductive, there are other ways to be involved and make a difference in politics.

Are you fucking—...

Finally! Some well-written coverage of science on Jezebel! This article does everything right (reading the actual study, talking to the actual authors, giving side-eye to shitty popular news coverage) that that atrocious article a few weeks ago didn’t (covering a menopause study).

That doesn’t make her argument illegitimate. Not to mention, she does lightly address the mistreatment of survivors in her first tweet; she seems to propose more advocacy from other feminists (male or female) in order to alleviate this problem.