

"37 former mistresses"

Watching all this unravel.

THAT. Jezebel + Science

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society does mostly reviews and not so much research (in the sense of stats and such). I would probably pay more attention if the article came from Behaviors, APS, Personality and Individual Differences..etc.

I have a social media contract for my workplace as well. The whole "employers stay out of my personal life" doesn't resonate well with me especially depending on your line of work. It would suck to know that your local police chief is a staunch racist or that your kids' teacher makes fun of physically impaired

Awww...widdle guy tryin' to grow a big boy 'stache to prove his masculinity.

Bieber. End of the world.

You are drunk, Baby Kate!

Maybe that's the point? The courtesy invitation is extended so things won't be all weird the next time you see each other because you're not all "you didn't invite me!". At least that's what my friend did when she wanted a private ceremony but had really annoying relatives and nosy acquaintances...

All of this sounds really fucking annoying and expensive. Why do these things have to be such a pain in the ass to plan and execute financially and mentally? I refuse, absolutely refuse to throw this kind of crap for my friends.

I just want a cheesy blaster.

WOW. Hey there, you look lovely...


Too many frills, lace, and fabrics that are in danger of red wine spills here.

Ahahaha. The contraption looks like it will tear her face off. Oh, old timey things.

Brian, I'm wondering what your take on this is. My cousin, American dude, who has been living in Japan the past fifteen years made a comment recently on the cultural attitudes on sex and the declining birthrate: fetishes are the huge cause of decline — perhaps there's a disinterest in heterosexual sex since desires

"but I think Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are cuter."

Whoa. I've definitely seen an ad for that. I was thinking you meant this:

Yeah! And also, I need to hide the fact that I had a fried fish platter for lunch.