
I don't want to see my husband shit in the bathroom. There are limits! And I try to remember to wear black to avoid period stains but hey, stuff happens. God bless my old man for doing the laundry sometimes and seeing that.

No, no. "Kendall & Kyle: Krazy unKontrollable Kids!"

How can you not LOL at that? It's like seeing "May not be actual size" on candy ads.

Word. I really, really want to keep my hair long even if it's grey. Because when I really think about it, I don't know of a non-model over 60 who has long grey hair. I also wonder how fashion tastes evolves. I can't imagine myself shopping at a Chico's at 40, 50 or 60...

I know what you mean. I keep everything pretty minimal in NYC and I always dress up, but when I visit my husband's hometown in the rural country? I so do not fit in. Carhart jackets, heavy foundation, hairdos with bump-its or weird asymmetrical cuts, and frosty lip gloss. Going out means pointy high heeled shoes,

I think we're also so used to the norm that once ladies reach a certain age, they have to dress a certain way, chop their hair and leave the grey in.

The shape is pretty cool I have to admit— triangular?

I still have trouble believing that's real.

My mom and my mother-in-law have both said that it hurts like HELL. I'm just surprised that with technology today, we have to squish boobs like that. I mean, there's gotta be an alternative.

I don't want to entice you or anything but I have a really, really sexy esophagus. Or so I've been told.

Most likely it's an inexperienced manager who was like, I can make a poster!

We were strongly encouraged to wear A&F clothes and, weirdly, told never to wear black or purple. (You’ll never see those colors on Abercrombie clothes.)

That would look really funny as an engagement ring.

I'm not gonna lie but yeah, I want this shit. Maybe because I eat so many damn potatoes.

I like the MeetUp idea.

I'm addicted to the shower gel stuff that Fresh makes. I use sugar lemon — I have pretty sensitive skin (eczema, yo) and it's one of the few things that my skin doesn't react much to.

12 piece All-Clad set I got for FREE!

What app are you using? It happens to me when I use Pandora (but in my car via bluetooth).

I got really pissed off at my husband because he didn't reply for hours — I thought something happened to him. No, just stupid iMessage. I had SMS enabled too. It's not consistent — the issues just happen sometimes. I'm trying the suggestions above and seeing if that helps.