Lien was taken to the hospital and released with stitches.
Lien was taken to the hospital and released with stitches.
"My book is about mutual respect with your partner"
I imagine Will Ferrell or Chris Kattan saying these things. Those guys = hilarious.
Yo, is it the lighting or something? It looks like someone is wearing the wrong color foundation. Tsk, tsk.
Redacted: I got confused!
Do you even know what my proportions are? Keep your body hating to yourself.
I want to cut it off too!
Does it make me a dick to say that I don't want those proportions because I'm fine with my body and I'm glad she's comfortable in her own skin otherwise she wouldn't have this clothing line?
YEP! So much of this (I mean the book) reads as "What can I do for Joe?", "This is what I did wrong", and not asking if it is reciprocated or if there is respect for her in return.
Awww! Poor guy. Also, pictures please.
[Insert Science News Cycle from Ph.D comics.]
I feel like you would get some wicked neon diarrhea from that.
I wonder if it's an joke, like a Mean Girls thing, for some of them to encourage her "antics" and tongue.
Do you know what else bothers me? The motherfucking tongue thing.
YEP. If you're hungry, do it yourself. "Dependents" can pull their "weight" in other ways.
And that is why I order take out. Or, um, fast food. I just really wanted fried chicken today, okay? STOP JUDGING!
Maybe he needs someone to trim the crusts off his fucking sandwiches too.