"Where are the breasts? I can't find them! I wish there were arrows to point them out!"
"Where are the breasts? I can't find them! I wish there were arrows to point them out!"
I'm having the worst period ever. I just want to eat roasted chicken and nutella. Usually a heating pad makes me feel better but it makes me want to throw up today. *DIES*
tumblr is more shortform blogging and not many people write long pieces. I'd say blogspot is a good starting spot. If you want to be heard or seen, it would be tougher to do so on tumblr because there are so many tumblrs and posts. If you do use tumblr, I would try to buy a domain and one of the nice layouts just so…
WOWOWOW. I totally want that.
I glow after a glass of wine and a big bowl of pasta. Starch glooow. :D
It's interesting and I think it's pretty cool. Pretty fucking cool. Fuck you, trolls!
I really really need to start a GIFs folder.
Same with me. When I submitted the resume for the job I have now, I initialized my first name so it was like J. Smith-Johnson.
I always think of it as garbage pie: you just throw in what you have.
I do Rent the Runway. Especially when you go to New York City weddings and you're bound to run into THAT GIRL who sticks her nose up at you.
Everyone goes to so many weddings — I always feel a bit left out because I don't have many wedding stories to tell because I don't get invited to many :(
I had a ceremony and luncheon that I wanted to keep it strictly to intermediate family and super close friends (that was 20) — I wanted this to be picture perfect, coordinated and well decorated. But for the reception, I intended it to be a big (but nice) oversize backyard/in-the-fields party. Our count? 250.
In Minnesota, from experience, our upbringing has huge ties and nostalgic memories with the Lutheran and Protestant churches. You just invite everyone because everyone is a bit too damn nice: neighbors, childhood friends...etc.
Same thing with Asian women. The only people see are Lucy Liu...and Lucy Liu. Oh, and that quiet beat-boxing girl from Pitch Perfect.
I'm getting a little tired of Jezebel being the Lifestyle Police
That gif totally creeps me out :(
Thanks. Will get nightmares tonight...
Somewhere, a horny teenager is busy scrambling and collecting supplies...
Minnesota is sexy. Don't be jealous. Time for me to change into my flannel bikini and jump into the lake before I attend the weekly hotdish luncheon at the local Lutheran Church.