
YES. Agreed. I hate shit in my drank.


Can people just spell their name with letters instead of numbers (ahem, Snooki)?

That looks like a tender moment..before she eats him.

I love that butter stick costumes even exist.

What I should've clarified is that if a $5 spatula was on the registry. The gifts show support for your future. That table setting on your registry can be passed down, but a bottle of olive oil? Not so much. It's more forgettable.

It is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't want a gift basket and I'm not really the type of person who would appreciate the thought frankly. We can buy our own food and we have our own food preferences. I'd rather you spring $5 for that Target spatula instead of a $75 gift basket.

THAT makes me absolutely fucking terrified for her.

WEWREJIJLKERLJKRE! MY GOD. Did she comment on the attack? Did anyone else comment? People can claim an argument regarding context ("oh if you were there") is just, no. It's very clear. There's no reason to put your hands on someone's throat like that.