
There are QUITE a lot of ass shots in this movie, particularly coming from a female director.  Was it in ScarJo’s contract or something?

I’m hoping that the actual Tony Masters shows up in the future as the guy who designed this Taskmaster’s tech or something, and starts some real shit. Seemed kind of crazy for this movie to do a complete makeover on a character who had his own books and a fan following. This BW version was basically just a Winter

or Captain Britain at least

so they want me to side against rasputin, a peasant guy who used his charisma and giant brass balls to get drunk and bone and offend his way through russian high society for several years and instead sympathize with a bunch of ww1 era british aristocrats, who are apparently taking a holiday from ruthless imperialism

In the Covid time-dilation genre of “I could have sworn this movie was already released”

The nice thing about Netflix’s all-at-once release model is that, if you’re not into a show, don’t worry, the conversation about it will end in about a week and a half.

I’m not sure I can take a “Best DC Animated Movies” list that doesn’t include Under the Red Hood.

I am a huge fan of LOST, lifelong, tattoo and everything. Charlie was always cute but fuck Dominic looks so hot here. Some people just age into their true hotness.

I’m ashamed to say that I forgot how Ungoliant died, and the Derndingle question was beyond me. I obviously need to up my Middle-earth game.

It’s true though.


more like a nevvt amirite


I don’t know what’s more iconic, Paul Rudd’s Mac & Me prank, or Paul Rudd as “Celery Man.”

Pierce Brosnan seems to have developed a fun post-Bond career. Happy for him.

Can we talk about how unrecognizable Glazer is with that flattened shoulder-length hair?

If you’re not delving into the Castilian language voice-over credits to comb for clues, are you really even paying attention?

No kidding? That’s awesome.

I enjoyed Archer as much as the next animated comedy nerd, but it let me down because it never hit the sheer density of Frisky Dingo. At the end of both seasons, when the callbacks and brick jokes started snowballing, Frisky Dingo was exceeding even MST3K levels of punchlines-per-minute. “Skytanic” was the only Archer

Just rewatched Frisky this week and it still fill my master cylinder.