When I was a kid it was Wacky Wall Crawlers...
When I was a kid it was Wacky Wall Crawlers...
Dad...is that you?
Caramelized onions make great hot dog toppings.
Frankly, any of those movies should come off the service at midnight, Dec. 26.
I lick my finger, reach down into the bottom of the bag so all the crumbs stick to it and then lick them off. Because I’m classy.
+1 for proper use of the word, nauseate.
Irrationally bothered by this. You had to list them alphabetically?
Crippling depression combined with a pathological need to retreat into comfort zone games when I’m feeling down, on top of retail therapy. I’d rather put my thousandth hour into Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, Minecraft, or UT 2K4 than actually try to engage something new. I was doing good back in 2016. I made goal to finish…
The heroin level high you speak of actually comes from sleep deprivation
Sob! So, so sweet.
Agree 100%... my Dad read us the Chronicles of Prydain years ago and you can just listen and create mental images of what’s going on in the story
It’s so great. The shot of the sister with the sealed mouth still creeps me out just thinking about it.
You’re that submarine guy who murdered that reporter aren’t you.
I saw Tremors at a drive-in, in my friend’s convertible. There were 4 of us in total and it was warm enough to put the top down.
I own scythe and cannot recommend it highly enough. It’s a great game. Has a great resource management system, good victory point conditions, good replay value (you shuffle and deal the turn cards every game so the actions you can take are different each time), and a good hidden information combat system that is fast…
I own scythe and cannot recommend it highly enough. It’s a great game. Has a great resource management system, good…
I can only acknowledge the first Mortal Kombat movie as the ONLY good video game movie adaptation. Well, Silent Hill was okay but I hated the ending.
Why you gotta interrupt my strongly worded email with your silly warning?
“When did you stop acting like an active shooter?”
5:46 Oh hey, it my part.