
Come on now, even you seem to realize how cheap that justification is. With that logic the next entire next movie is shielded from criticism. Thanos could slip on some ice and die and Strange would be all like “aha just as I predicted”. Plot contrivances are no less contrived just because theres an in universe

Ebony Maw was powerful but also the most fragile of the Black Order. It took some serious power to kill the others (Wakandan shield, Giant spinning grinder of death, Spear that negates Vision’s phase and energy blasts). Maw on the other hand, lost to physics and was repeatedly shown to only be able to deal with what

Just dropping by to point out that Katie McGrath is Irish, not British. See people make this mistake a lot, first time another Irish person hasn’t beaten me to it! ;)

Don’t worry about whether characters are dead forever. Don’t worry about how a character’s death affects you. Worry about how it affects the other character. Spider-Man turning to dust was heartbreaking. He’s no less of a scared little boy if you know he’s coming back or not.

It’ll be hard for him to top The Comeback Kid.

My GF actually saw that tour live, she let me in on a little “spoiler” that it’s really good.

I’m surprised his first and most recent specials are on Netflix, but not his second and most famous one (the one with the “Salt and Pepper Diner” bit).

On April 20th, Sea of Thieves would like to remind everyone that it’s still a thing in the wake of God of War and Nintendo Labo.

Jaws is a FUN movie! And 6 year old me was a little marine biology nerd who already knew the premise was implausible.


It’s part of an overall dislike of the costume redesign they did for the New 52 where his costume looks more and more like either armor or a super-rigid onesie. An armored Superman seems inherently wrong for the character to me. The red briefs are also borrowed from what seems to have inspired the original look of the

Are you insane? The Ring is far too scary for anyone who isn’t old enough to drive. I was 17 when I saw that movie and I couldn’t sleep for weeks.
The thing that’s always helped me, which I think would actually be kind of fun for kids, is to watch some behind the scenes of horror movies to see how the makeup is put

I’d say Ghostbusters, Gremlins and Beetlejuice are all less scary to my kids than Coraline.

Other good PG-ish Horror movies:

Also Gadget Hackwrench and Minerva Mink.

If we aren’t writing it down, we’re probably not allowed to. No server has ever thought “I know, let’s make tonight’s shift harder just for shits and giggles.”

What’s wrong with being mindful of people’s feelings? It’s not about being “politically correct”. It’s about being respectful of others.

Absolutely. That would work 100%.

Having seen nearly that entire list, I assume it’s a mix of genuinely disgusted, bored, or realizing the movie they’re watching is not the movie they thought they’d be getting.

My wife has her old wedding pics. We go through them and laugh or admire how pretty she was as a bride. Even though that first marriage didn’t last, it doesn’t change the fact that her first wedding was obviously very special for her, as it should be, and it’s not a problem.