
The LOTR Extended BluRay pack is on sale, too. Yoink!

The LOTR Extended BluRay pack is on sale, too. Yoink!

Wow, that’s a pretty good list.

This happened to me several years ago with Okami. I was about halfway through the game and had been gushing about it to my brother all day erry day. So one night I brought it over to show him and his gamer son and make them love it too, but I FORGOT TO BRING MY MEMORY CARD.

I’m gonna go ahead and put down my list for what I’d like to see on next year’s box (assuming it isn’t a SNES one) in no particular order:

Those eagles are the *worst*.

C’mon man. We all know that Ninja Gaiden is the worst when it comes to bullshit enemy spawns.

In B4 whitewashing argument starts

Also, Excitebike had A FUCKING LEVEL CREATOR.

Hey, good news! Being able to save your game just made Ghosts n’ Goblins actually fucking playable! So much rage as a child....

*waits patiently*

“But this time around they’ve upped the ante with an in-game store where players can purchase Imaginite chests for a chance at scoring rare items.”

Any word on how it connects to the tv? Does it have a battery, or does it need to be plugged in all the time?

Did you guys see Psych is leaving? That’s messed up, man.

Hot Honey is the BEST on meat pizza. Meaning honey infused with pepper, not honey that has been warmed up.

It’s behind you, Tyrone. When you go in reverse, things come from behind you.

Get out of here, you terrorist.

Exactly. Pikmin, Zelda, MarioKart, Mario 3D, WiiU Smash, Mario Maker, Treasure Toad, hell I still play Nintendo Land with my kids... That’s why I bought the damn thing.

This is pretty fascinating, and I’m going to listen to the lecture in the background, because it is driving me nuts the way this guy is pacing and moving while he talks.

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Aquaponics is where it’s at!