
No more eye stuff, though. Not after last time.

Reminds me of the night I spent at the high roller’s suite at Trump Taj Mahal back in its heyday. Except I don’t see any bottles of Trump brand shower gel in those bathrooms. Which is just as well since it seemed to just be Drakkar Noir mixed with expired Yes! To Carrots body scrub and gave me a terrible rash.

This is completely hilarious and will remain as such until someone inevitably dies

Thanks for admitting to the world that you can’t read.

She’s ignoring that, because it’s outside the narrative she’s attempting to ram down people’s throats.

As I told my little nephew the first (and only) time I heard him say nucular “the word is spelled n-u-c-l-e-a-r. When you say nucular you sound ignorant, and I know you are not.”

I love his show, but I’m always surprised at how sloppy Ira’s delivery can be. You’re a professional radio host, man! Learn to speak clearly!

Ira Glass has an obnoxious voice imo, a shame really because This American Life has some good ass stories but I just can't

Only sometimes. Homer works at a “nuclear” power plant, but tells Marge it’s pronounced “nucular”. On the other hand, Marge has mentioned fall foilage and liberries.

It’s really amazing. It’s especially frustrating to consider the fact that This American Life gets constant criticism for the vocal fry that their female contributors exhibit, but IRA GLASS—who has like a textbook example of vocal fry—never gets criticized for it.

Screw the tone of voice, I want someone in charge of the nuclear codes who knows how to say and spell nuclear. I survived 8 years of “nu-cu-lar”, they’ll survive 8 years of a president without a penis.

JFC November seems so damn far away.

Boycott covering the Sports event that shall not be named!!!

Pee: A game. All by myself.

Fa: Half way to saying fawk.

Ray: A drop of golden fun

There will be slightly less douchebag at the DNC.

Well, considering how changeable she can be - master politician that she is - I wouldn’t declare her to be a die-hard pot prohibitionist.

On the one hand, weed will still be illegal.

