Now playing

Now playing: the Replacements, “Left of the Dial.” Thanks.

Around these parts, this thing is known as the Douchemobile 2000.

Good color choice - hides the “Cheeto Dust” while retaining the cheese factor.

(sigh) So I guess we’re back to

“...viscously shadow banning...”

Douglas Adams too! My first exposure to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (among other things) was a series of excerpts in Playboy.

We are witnessing in real time how some men feel entitled to control their partners’ lives—and that, for those who’ve made therapy a part of their personal brand, so-called “self-care” is just another tool in their toolbox of exerting power. Of course, it all comes down to one of the most pernicious things

(Ooh! Ooh!)

She is truly a fighter, but therein lies a conundrum, that goes something like “No sex before a fight” something something “weakens the legs” or something.

...his sad, tiny mouth...

Not for nuthin, but I’m still pretty sure Anne Hathaway could rock every one of those outfits.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shout out to ma peeps !!

Why everybody got to be so mean?

So, perp walk... Yay or nay?

Take your damn star.

Was Jesus free-range? He seemed to wander around a lot.

This is so weird. I just woke up from an afternoon nap, during which I dreamed that my feet were all strange and craggy-looking (they’re really not). Then, first thing I read after going online is this article about feet. That’s just weird, man.

Logged in just to say: Take your damned star.

I knew a guy back then. He was such a gaping asshole that when the belt mandates became law, he actually removed all of them from his car, depriving even his family members of the option. Kind of a bridge example between the 2 scenarios I suppose. Some little boys & girls just never grow up.

Let’s hope Ginger isn’t so ginger when it comes to yanking that upper lip down over those teeth fifty times a day, every damn day. Will she rise to that challenge?