
I was wondering that too.

All those weird little personal fetish boxes checked. Richie Rich meets Pimp My Ride.

Also, not for nuthin but, this is a really good live mix. Very crankable!

Now playing

Matt Gaetz is human
Like Winger was rock & roll:
Just. Fucking. Awful.

More stars this needs, I think.

Those sure don’t look like
No peen that I ever seen.
(I don’t get out much.)

Marge Green and the Laser Jews gets my vote for Band Name of the Week.

Yeah. Being the worst would make me not boring, even if only on that one note; and not-boring just isn’t in my wheelhouse.

Gee look, another pic of Orange Julius Caesar getting handsy with one of his daughters. How not surprising.

Now playing

People like Mitt Romney always remind me of that wonderful old Todd Rundgren tune, “The Smell of Money:”

That side-by-side photo of Matt & Marge reminds me of Easter Island.

Who could imagine?!
Hey Jesus, come get yer boy!


God DAMN it. Why can’t I stop laughing at that.

Take your damn star.


Oh for fuck’s sake, Matt:
Big Boy wants his haircut back!
Oh, and: GO TO JAIL.

Any mall cop worth his $12/hr could have at least just stood upwind from this whining brat and cut loose an eye-watering, blood-curdling Sbarro fart. I mean come on, man - you know you got one in the chamber. Get creative.

That header pic is
Magnificently creepy!
Kudos, I suppose?

Yeahbut he pronounces it “Wolvereyene” (long “i”) because he’s sophisticated like that.