
Remember: For maximum effect while watching the new TikTok show, be sure to turn your TV on its side! And then drink bleach.

As the original owner of many pairs of those corduroys, I’m happy to have been of assistance. Likewise, I also hope someone enjoyed a certain pair of “burnt umber” (orange) monster bell bottoms with accompanying gold & yellow paisley poly-blend shirt, even if ironically. It was certainly a look...

Baby ant, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Baby ant, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Baby ant, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Baby ant

Disney, Vegas, Florida... I have no desire to set foot in any of these places. Guess I should cut up my Real ‘Murican™ card.

Hey, you got further than I could manage.

CAKE ME NOW!!! Nom nom nom.

Reading about all this aerial nonsense, I’m really thankful for having almost never seen it in the local skies. Which is ironic, since I live in a flyover state... (HA! I kill me.)

Tucker Carlson is the proverbial stopped clock of talking heads. He knows if he just maintains that “I wish I could remember how to poop” expression, every once in awhile it will be appropriate.

Holy hell - I finally understand that old Soundgarden song...

If he keeps this shit up, he won’t even have that fallback gig as a cowboy in a Primus video.

Matt Gaetz is complete.
Self-parody transcended;
Now Muppet made flesh.

Ughh - Greek yogurt binds me up so bad, I may as well eat contact cement.

That really does encapsulate this nonsense. These guys sound like every asshole I knew in high school. And now they’re all “grown up,” but with the same juvenile mentality - plus, now they’ve got badges & guns! What could possibly go wrong?

I can and will attest, with my hand on the sacred text of your choosing, that supermodel Tyra Banks has taught me nothing. :o)

Also, not for nuthin but isn’t even the most rudimentary online voting software designed to reject multiple votes from the same IP address? Seems a bit of an oversight eh.

At this stage I’m mostly just hoping I can remember to not walk around with my mouth hanging open, as I frequently catch myself doing behind my mask. I’ve resigned myself to expect a handful of embarrassing public moments before I finally get that shit back together again. (Sheesh.)

Yup, me too. Coupla boxes full of random stuff dating back to high school (wish I’d kept a little more of it, to be honest), plus the huge (encrypted) text doc - which hasn’t been updated in nearly 20 years, but is still valuable to me.

The fence is indeed hideous and embarrassing and needs to go, and yet I can’t help feeling some trepidation at the thought of it not being there. I feel like there’s gotta be some group of ignorant shitheads or another out there, just biding their time.

I built that model too! I remember struggling with it as a kid, since it had a 3-piece body. Wound up with some glue spots as I recall... :o(

Fuckin’ Baptists, man. The ones I know don’t wear masks, either. They got this stuff all figured out.