
Have mercy!

Pretty sure the only place where a 42% increase = “nearly doubled” is in Clickbait Town. Is that where we are?

Jesus, something very similar happened to me at a young age. Did me a world of good.

Skimming past, I thought you wrote, “So long as they don’t miss the HV cables.”

These days he’s not the sharpest bulb on the tree either.

Glad to hear it! Lately I’ve been discovering this whole “making sense” thing to be somewhat overrated.

Then my work here is done.

“I fucked up and had wine instead of Diet Dr. Pepper last night!!!”

Giuliani’s seemingly extravagant fountain pen expense is easily explained by his enormous ears.

If you haven’t seen it, Christina Tucker has a pretty good take on this mess.

Tonight’s slogan: LET’S NOT FUCK THIS UP, OKAY? PLEASE??

Fuck everybody, everywhere. Just...fuck ‘em.

(By the way, props to Silvertiger for this wonderfully descriptive hashtag.)


“misunderstanding...fueled by alcohol.”

Just to put a big ugly bow on it, maybe Todd could do a surprise walk-on with Tina Fey on SNL.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I probably would if I could. I’m always down for complicating / screwing up my life even more than it already is. :o/

Not to defend her behavior in any way, but. If I were a mom, I could totally see myself buying one of these. (Although this would likely not be my size.) :o/

LISSIN ALL YALL... <ahem> Here’s your star, sir.

Brian Krakow on lead vocals! :o)