
Yeah, it’s always weird for me to read about all this casual sex. I definitely ain’t on the list at this club.

Yeah, hold your calls everyone. We’re done here.


Forever and ever, amen.

Ha! I was gonna star your post until I saw this:

Hahaha! That’s excellent. I’ve done the same thing with stuff that’s come into my shop for repairs. On my own gear, I also remove all those stupid feature stickers like Intel, Windows XX, etc. etc. That stuff bugs the hell outta me.

You know the old joke where 2 guys keep telling completely offensive, disgusting jokes to each other, laughing their asses off at each one? Then one of them tells one that’s completely indistinguishable from all the others, and the other guy suddenly says, “Dude, that is sickening! What is wrong with you?!

“Cheesecake-stuffed pumpkin-spice doughnut” sounds like a nickname my sister would make up for her dog.

Whee !!

It’s funny because it’s true!



Tell us the story of The Sky Fairy, TheGentildouche.

Define “dick pic,” Texas:

1. Such savings would probably not be insignificant. (It certainly does get anecdotallytechnical” around here at times.)

I can’t tell for sure from the video, but it helps me with the environmental dilemma to pretend that they’re all Seagate drives.

w-Wow! Dude in the upper right corner has a huge head!

“...Peel and eat babies...
Shame on me for starring this.
(Well, you too, but...yeah.)