
Not for nuthin, but that’s a pretty impressive stash! I could only dream of connections like that in middle school.

In other news: What kind of twisted soul stands outside taking pictures of someone’s CHILD through a window??

‘80s Stacy agrees, like, totally.

So, an evening gown inspired by The Shroud of Turin. Huh...

That pic of the queen peering up at Trump needs a caption contest.

How rude!

I would give half a week’s pay to program this show:

I added a word balloon to a pic of Cookie Monster in another forum awhile ago and I still felt a bit sheepish using Comic Sans.

No argument from me. Like I said in another post here: Before we can change course, we gotta get the pirates off the bridge. Trying to do both at once will accomplish neither.

I decided then and there I wanted to be the person who ate steak,” he said.

Hell, I been on the bench in this game since about 2 minutes into the second quarter.

Call him any name you want: hypocrite, soulless, evil. Like some mythical Zen Turtle, Mitch McConnell has achieved Perfect Cynic. He does. Not. Give. A. Fuck.

Depends: Could I get a quick scan from Bones before boning?

As an overweight cyclist, I’ll admit I’m somewhat dismayed to hear this.

All the incels walk by, dressed up for each other...’

On the upside, if they all go for the same “Chad” look, they’ll be easier to spot.

On the upside, if they all go for the same “Chad” look, they’ll be easier to spot.

The internet has become a terribly efficient incubator for this type of extremist/cult brainwashing.

“We’ll get the milkshakes ready.”