
Looking forward to the multicolored pyrotechnic displays, spouting from the variety of ill-conceived quick-connect solutions on those high-power battery packs. Oohh! Aahh.

“Then Melania is off to Seattle, where she will learn to code. (Just kidding.)”

Whatever you do, don’t put a microwave inside another microwave and turn them both on...

BARTER SYSTEM: You attempt to microwave 2 burritos in 1 microwave. This of course exceeds by a wide margin the electrical capacity of your entire apartment unit to the point where you can actually smell the wiring in the walls. You are subsequently required to summon your landlord to reset the circuit breaker which is

Synapses in flames!
Melt again, my waxen brain
Sweet, sweet gasoline.

Yes! Too bad the lottery works the same way. :o/

Why do mentally unbalanced people exhibit mentally unbalanced behavior? The world may never know.

Wait - there’s a rat?

’Cause we’re NETFLIX, bitches!! Wussup? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Oh hell yeah! I have the 5.1 surround-sound mix of this one! It is awesome :o)

Thanks. For a minute I thought they were talking about these little doofusses:


For the longest time, I thought Stimpy was a dog.

Yeah, I don’t waste a minute worrying about my left hand pulling this kind of stunt.

My name is Sue. Sue me.

Every day.

That’s his “I wish I could remember how to poop” face.

Fingers and noses and heads, oh my!

With proper guidance & support, I bet she could lick this problem.

Wasn’t this an old Hill Street Blues episode?