
God DAMN it. Take your star.

Hee hee!

That excellent illustration immediately reminded me of Lou Reed’s “Strawman,” which is now playing very loudly in my living space. It’s helping a little.

“Zero knowledge”? Please.

This video is cawing out for a remix (or several). It’s already got a little rhythm to it.

A “sweet old nun” once clocked my cousin upside the head so hard it laid him out on the floor. In the boy’s bathroom. (Sigh) Good times...

There’s our T-shirt of the week!

Suddenly, Haiku!

The ‘61 does look nice, but I’ll always have a soft spot for the Year of Peak Fin.*

I remember seeing that thing (or a clone, who knows) back in the ‘80s at Summer CES, parked under the overhang at McCormick Place with a bunch of other car audio show cars. Big booming system, grunting out the Ray Parker tune on endless repeat. All that shit up on the top was rattling like crazy - it sounded terrible.

How far down are we going to slide, before we finally grab hold and start clawing our way back? Can we even find our way anymore?

Thanks, now I’ve got that old James Taylor song banging around in my hapless noggin for the rest of the afternoon.

Thank you.

At least he’ll hold the title of Most Ironic Mic-Drop for awhile, maybe a long time.

...And of course, again with the “masturbated in front of.”

I really need to stop whining about how complicated my life can be. I don’t have a ghost of a clue.

As the “Spaaace Chuuurch” music swells in the background...

Reading my first reply a bit later, it kind of looked like i was bemoaning the news of a US tour. To clarify: I think Pussy Riot is goddamn amazing. They’ve been through shit I can’t even imagine. (Granted I don’t get out much, but still.) I’m glad they’re coming here.

Well, they probably won’t be thrown in jail over here. But Jesus, I don’t even want to think about the sweaty, grunted tweets from Toilet One that these women might provoke.

Wow! That cartoon... At first I thought that was a Plover bird perched on his fat belly!