
Sorry to say it, but I understand this. I’m really, really good at fixing things, and an abject failure at pretty much everything else. Dunno why, but I know it happens.

Yes. He can piss and moan all he wants, as long as he keeps heading for the door. Just fuck off, Howdy.

Would it be wildly inappropriate to say she looked, like, ten times better before? Asking for a friend.

Holy crap that’s exactly what I’m doing. Got the road bike on a training stand.

I would almost prefer the ridiculous, ham-addled villain of that comically bad movie to our current Villain-In-Chief. Almost. It’s really too close to call.

Starred for “Bated” instead of “Baited.”

Hahaha !!!


Whoa! Huge slam on sea lions from out of nowhere...

Great. Now I’m hungry as hell, and I got a crock pot sitting on the counter with nothing to put in it ‘cause I been too busy to go to the store.

You’re right, she does. “How Not to Be Seen” was funny when Monty Python did it, but it’s sad that Marilyn has found it to be a required skill.

It’s OK. I get the feeling that other countries are dealing with more American idiots than vice versa these days. Hopefully we’ll get this all balanced out down the road somewhere... :o/

It can be terribly difficult to free one’s psyche from these myths, especially when they start in on you at a young age.

Hey, let’s not get into a pissing contest here.

Hey, let’s not get into a pissing contest here.

My jazz already lights up the club, man.

My jazz already lights up the club, man.

It looks like they fed a bag of licorice to a catfish.


Some days, both!

When you get knocked down ya gotta get back up.

That headline reads like the first line of a heartwarming folk song.