
“Anti-woke” as a chud? No.

His list of achievements are all things other people did and he takes credit for.

And the thing is, if you actually look into his resume, it’s more about “being rich” ,in the right place at the right time”, and “being a sociopath” than actually being any sort of Tony Stark genius inventor man.

If he hadn’t been born rich, he’d just be that creepy guy on the IT helpdesk in the office everyone avoids interacting with as much as possible.

“Woke mind virus”: Empathy and consideration for others, last I checked. Musk vouches for sociopathy and/or narcissism in his logic.

It does make sense, as excessive money allows you to cast off whatever humanity you grew and that having a soul is not necessary in your pursuit of more money as it becomes your life’s

I don’t care what’s on his resumé, or how long his list of “achievement” is. Elon Musk is easily the dumbest human being to ever become a billionaire.

“I love immigration. How else are all the white folks supposed to escape South Africa after the fall of Apartheid?” -Elon Musk

The problem this fella doesn’t quite seem to grasp is that all of the shit he is literally making up is his own imagination at work. shaking their balls at children? That is all him.

Yeah well when drag shows start to involve molestation, then maybe you’ll have a point. Until then chill out and lighten up.

What the fuck does murder have to do with the 50% increase in child death from fire arms in the last two years? The majority are suicides or accidents.

The left is pushing for more drag shows, more graphic sex stories read to preschool children, etc.”

More complete delusion.  I wish we had a vaccine for stupid.  Of course you’d refuse to take it...

So your sources are youtube videos? Are we supposed to take that seriously?  How about some actual proof that couldn’t have been edited or faked to push a fucking false narrative?

“No one has ever cared about drag shows” is the single dumbest thing I have read in a while. That isn’t even remotely correct.

No, the better question is why are you so easily duped into thinking that is actually a thing?

You really are an idiot. Boebert was fondling her date in a crowded theater where children were present. What will it take for you morons to join reality? Rhetorical question. I don’t want to know your twisted thoughts.

So you agree the issue was completely made up by conservatives to get mouth breathers riled?

1) There are family friendly drag shows
2) “the left” doesn’t push anything in particular about drag shows - so quit with the completely made-up false outrage.  You’re protecting nobody.

You do not understand the difference between anecdote and statistics. That makes you as stupid as you are deranged. Unfortunately, there are enough people that share your ignorance and delusion that make you a threat to American democracy.

A better question is why are liberals so adamant about adult men shaking their balls in front of children?”

All the energy of: “Tell me you never have been to a drag without telling me you that you have never been to a drag show.” This literally does not happen, even at the lewdest of drag performances. men shaking their balls in front of children?

This does not happen. You live in an insane world of fear and delusion. Your twisted world view defies logic.