
I'm getting Avengers deja vu.  AAA companies just won't learn, will they?

My experience of the game was so draggingly boring after 4 hours, I uninstalled.  As an XBox fanboy, I guess I can shelve any optimism of Bethesda evolving their gameplay loop toward anything with actual action.

The source material is actually meh.

Is she or isn’t she?  I don't really care, but as a troll to the right-wing chud-o-sphere, I am here for it. 

She’s wasn’t actually recruited to compete in eSports, right? She’s just a known streamer / celebrity right? If so, then why tf does it matter her skill level. She’s a marketing resource for the brand, and from the looks of the stock price, a much needed one. Rain should have been welcoming her warmly, not

I'd love to see a list of other things that are "apparent" to you.  

You're not supposed to deep-throat the boot.

It adorable to think that anyone other than the writers of fanfiction reads said literary efforts.

If I buy the game-plus-DLC now, will I benefit from the UI/QOL updates all the way through?