
I have a feeling this one specific game isn’t going to become that unicorn.

They likely could have released two to three non-live service games in the nine years between their last game and this one. Similar situation as with The Avengers, which solidly ate up the same amount of time as at least two non-live-service games from Crystal Dynamics.

Sorry, I want to be clear, my comment was directed at Kotaku the site, not Zack personally.

The guy you want to be mad at is Jim Spanfeller and private equity firm Great Hill Partners

If you’re coming out with a live-service game at this point you’re basically showing up for the California Gold Rush in 1855. You just sold everything you had and moved across the country for nothing.

Yep. Buying those ugly JPGs was a terrible mistake for these people

Have you seen some of the NFT dudes,  hitting them all with a disinfection light sounds like its a good idea. 

What a horrible thing to happen.

Well we were hoping all of these crypto marks would finally see the light...

Bored Ape NFTs are so exclusive that even their owners shouldn’t be able to see them.

I don’t think anyone could have seen this coming.

Worst thing is trying to find a trailer for a movie or game and the top 50000 fuckin’ YouTuber cultural counterweights making the idiot YouTuber face on every fucking result.

If you act like a dick, it’s because you ARE a dick.

Nobody writes about a streamer before they’ve being viewed by a bajillion people, and if you think not reporting on POS streamers is going to cause a bajillion kids/manchildren/basic-AFs to stop watching POS streamers - I don’t know what to tell you. You’re wrong. “Ignore it and it’ll go away” is a terrible thing to

> you can never really tell if someone is actually a total dick, or just behaving like a dick to get attention and ad revenue

I mean, regardless of your thoughts on either side of the conflict, restreaming war footage at all is a bad look, and reacting to it for entertainment value pushes that low even lower. It’s not the reactions themselves, just the... like... total lack of respect for the death and destruction on display.

He’s “reacting” to it like it’s some random tiktok video BS - as opposed to watching a mass genocide taking place. He is de-humanzing an atrocity against civilians, turning it into “entertainment” and being flippant about it.

He’s streaming his reaction to war footage which in turn, he gets paid for.

This article is very unclear on what was actually offensive about his comments. I don’t doubt that he said some offensive ridiculous things, but this article has no actual examples and just calls XQC a scumfuck with no actual explanation.

Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.