
The sarcastic anti-consolidation rant seems a bit out of place in this article. Gearbox isn’t being shut down. It’s potentially being sold or potentially even buying itself out. Nothing detrimental to employees or customers has actually happened.

I’m blaming him anyways because he’s a creep >:3

I wish resurrected Telltale would get ahold of the Borderlands IP just so they can make Tales From the Borderlands sequels.

It really does make you wonder how many other rich and famous people are walking around knowing awful shit about their friends and colleagues”

Bethesda simps put musk simps to shame

Todd is full of shit, just admit that the fucking relic of a engine they use can’t handle ground vehicles. It’s why they have never been in the Fallout games, its why they are not in this game. It’s why you can not fly down to planets and take off from them. That senior citizen of a game engine can’t handle streaming

I guess the problem for me is that exploring the world and discovering random POIs was the key appeal of previous BGS games. The main story and faction quests were the least interesting parts of those games to me. If the exploration is tedious in Starfield, I’m not sure why I’m playing this instead of BG3 which has

And as far as jetpacks go, even on low gravity planets they are still only as fast as running anyway.

Todd Howard says it’s all about making planet exploration an “experience.”

Got about 55 hours in now. The main ‘experience’ I have walking towards unexplored waypoints on planets is boredom and annoyance as I sometimes need to wait for my stamina/oxygen to replenish before I can sprint again. And as far as jetpacks

I too will definitely be watching.

If everyone else is a pedo, maybe you’re the pedo.

No matter how many boos he hears out loud, nothing is going to be louder than the cheers he hears in his own head.

Comparing Snyder’s films to a CVS receipt is perfect.

Star Wars already is Star Wars mashed together with Seven Samurai. Seven Samurai heavily influenced Lucas ideas of Jedi and their Order.

Eh, beats watching the latest Marvel retread of the superhero origin story. Not by much, mind you.

Imagine the concept of some people having fun differently than you do, and not being a douche about it

Yeah, there’s a bunch of moments like that, dialogue that doesn’t even serve well as flavour. Then there’s the misguided use of narrative devices the show is so fond of. The first season had its time jumps, and S3 episode 5 has this really weird device that’s feels like it’s supposed to be some kind of perspective

It can and could. But it probably won’t because people are ridiculous. It’s all conspiracy theories and anti-woke rhetoric. I’ve come to learn that the Venn diagram of Snyderverse stans and Cavill-Witcher stans is basically a circle.

That’s a truly meaningless comparison.

Oh no, somebody identifies with something I love in a way I don’t relate to and that makes me uncomfortable which I can only express in outrage because I’m too immature to deal with nuanced emotions.