
So much potential here.  My only concern is they go all the way up their own ass with the 4th wall stuff.  I always read the panel-breaking in the comics as DP being crazy, and I liked how in the first movie at one point Colosuss says something like “who is he talking to?”... which for me brings you back into the

Looking forward to seeing live-action Sabine, honestly a little disappointed that the voice actress from rebels Tia Sircar wasn’t cast in the role.

Probably? But none of them are Charlie Rose, Oprah, or Barbara Walters. I think the folks you mentioned probably would have made a more graceful pivot but I doubt any of them would pull at that particular thread.

Fallon, instead of doing his job and asking a follow-up question (even a “HUH?” would have worked), laughed and called her ridiculous.

Was looking for this response.  This is exactly what I do.  And since I’m the only tea drinker in my house, iced or otherwise, I generally just make tea.. let it cool down a bit, and pour it into a mason jar filled with ice and a couple of lemon wedges.   Top w/ seltzer.  

I would have no problem if they just went cleanly in either direction. She’s either A. a nobody who is crazy talented in the force, or B. a descendent from a known character (other than palpatine). But the lack of cohesion was really annoying - Abrams was clearly foreshadowing she had some connection and Johnson was

Ok but I think we can agree Cole Trickle’s air freshener smelled like Aqua Velva, Mellow Yellow and unearned arrogance.

I think so much of the current issues w/ the overall story of starwars post ROTJ can be tied to episodes VII-IX. Abrams wanted to basically retell the same story, so he reset everything back to ‘no jedi’ and ‘rebellion v. empire’. I truly despised TLJ but at least Johnson opened the door at the end for more Jedi, and

Wow, I had given up on there ever being a follow-up.  I liked the first one well enough, although it did seem a little pandering to nerd culture.  

How many billions and this still looks like an episode of Xena?  Completely forgot they were going to introduce the Seanchan... feels like this is going to go even more off the rails after the promising start of last season.  

Ooof.  Really wish there had been a tag for spoilers for Jedi Survivor.  This sucks.

That Obi-Wan Xbox game was definitely fun when it came out and seems to get overlooked.  It also had a fun battle mode where if I remember right you could duel other jedi in an arena.  

I put in the Category of ‘So This Is Christmas’ where its almost trying TOO hard to be a bummer. That said, Fairytale of NY has really grown on me over the years and I do enjoy it.  

“The lights on my tree, I wish you could see..” from the Carpenters merry christmas darling absolutely wrecked me during that first covid christmas. Random fact there’s a scene in the movie Empire Records where they’re playing romeo & juliet by Dire straights as they pan through the store and there’s a woman sobbing

Lloyd Alexander’s Chronicles of Prydain!  Such a great YA series - before those were really even a thing.  I devoured those books as a kid.  The Black Cauldron is actually the second book in the series but they drew the story from the movie from both books 1 and 2.  I was actually thinking about giving my daughter the

This - one of my earliest movie theatre memories was seeing Black Cauldron. I remember really enjoying it and eventually getting into the Lloyd Alexander novels they based the movie on. Disney buried it DEEP in the vault for years - I don’t think you could even rent it. I remember everytime we went to a disney store

drinking caf.

sounds great but when will they port n64 rogue squadron to switch?

Just recently started playing again and it seems like the game has become nearly impossible for casual players to keep up w/ current content - its been super fun just soloing old expansions so I look forward to eventually playing this at some point in the next few years.  

Still no port of Rogue Squadron... seems like a no brainer but I’m sure there are licensing or other issues I don’t understand.