I’ve read nearly every deadpool comic beginning w/ the circle chase when it first came out, and then back to his original X-force appearances all the way through Cable & Deadpool. My point is that, as a reader (and this is my choice) I choose to interpret the 4th wall breaking as pyschosis, and that he’s actually NOT…
He says in the comment that you’re responding to that he knows it’s in the comics and liked it in the first movie, but less so in the 2nd. I’d say that’s a fair critique, comics fan or not.
So much potential here. My only concern is they go all the way up their own ass with the 4th wall stuff. I always read the panel-breaking in the comics as DP being crazy, and I liked how in the first movie at one point Colosuss says something like “who is he talking to?”... which for me brings you back into the…
I can get with almost everything you wrote, but that last sentence is largely irrelevant. Mark Hamill is a gifted actor who played an iconic character and got famous. He’s not Luke Skywalker. Full stop. I don’t have to care what Al Pacino thinks Michael Corleone would have ordered at the restaurant with Sollozzo and…
The key phrase in your comment is “to some of us”, the fact is that a majority of Star Wars fans do like the Jedi and the Sith, their conflict, lightsabers and force sensitive characters like Luke, Ezra and Ahsoka. While Star Wars will definitely put out shows, like Andor, and movies, like Solo and Rogue One, that…
I think so much of the current issues w/ the overall story of starwars post ROTJ can be tied to episodes VII-IX. Abrams wanted to basically retell the same story, so he reset everything back to ‘no jedi’ and ‘rebellion v. empire’. I truly despised TLJ but at least Johnson opened the door at the end for more Jedi, and…
It didn’t decline her card, though. They took the bike from her by force and closed her lease, just happening to do so during the refund window. They also clearly had no claim to it given that she was the one with the receipt.
Shut the fuck up. She’s a pregnant woman who was just trying to get home, and those dudes tried to punk her. She was just standing up for herself.
That was certainly a list of fictional restaurants. Be honest, these are just the first ten you could think of, right?
“The lights on my tree, I wish you could see..” from the Carpenters merry christmas darling absolutely wrecked me during that first covid christmas. Random fact there’s a scene in the movie Empire Records where they’re playing romeo & juliet by Dire straights as they pan through the store and there’s a woman sobbing…
My sympathy at this point lies with his editors. There is nothing more frustrating and unprofessional to an editor than a writer who won’t deliver pages. Yes, the creative process can take time, but at this point, it’s beyond that for GRRM. It’s not just that he’s a ponderously slow writer (which he is). He’s clearly…
He is well known for being a jerk and this site made it all about race.
...the ironically named James Steelman.
What took them so long? This woman has been awful forever and this website gleefully takes down other women for far less offensive things than they gave Nicki a pass for.
This was a person who literally had her sister pulled from a game, gave away the fact she couldn’t hit high ones to the opposing team, called her a little shit in front of the team when she was pouting about being traded, and was painfully honest with her from day one about everything. Also Kit flourished when she was…
I read King’s twitter thread in its entirety.
I last played it a decade ago on dosbox so I don’t know how the Steam port functions but...I mean...there is a certain level of nostalgia goggles required for its current iteration. But that all means its an even better candidate for a retro style (but updated heavily) remake!
Oh man, would that be the first time they ever changed something from the comics to adapt it to the big screen??? My fainting couch, please, for I have the vapors
God, Jezebel is so exhausting now. Are there any other feminist centered news sites around? I’ve been reading this site for a decade but I can’t take how joyless it has become.