My kids went through a phase where they were obsessed with her song “Roar” which as far as I can tell was ripped directly off from a series of inspirational posters... so I’m guessing this won’t be her last law suit.
My kids went through a phase where they were obsessed with her song “Roar” which as far as I can tell was ripped directly off from a series of inspirational posters... so I’m guessing this won’t be her last law suit.
I also think it’s less of an issue now too as skiing has recaptured a decent chunk of the mount sports customer base. Skiing in the northeast my main concern, especially now that my kids (both under 5) are skiing, is not snowboarders or skiers, it’s assholes. Anyone who ski’s / rides unsafely through major trail…
My point is that running up the score and over the top celebrations are two very different issues. The former, from what I know of Soccer, could actually be argued to be better sportsmanship than just kicking it around and not trying to score.
Also uniquely American: The number of straw-man arguments in this thread about goal differential when the issue that the majority of critics, and the one discussed in the actual post above, has way more to with how the USWNT, Rapinoe perhaps most egregiously, behaved after scoring some of those later goals.
Most of the celebrations past goal number 5 seemed appropriately tame but there were a couple of exceptions. Beyond that? I’m actually surprised there are so many people complaining. I don’t follow soccer closely but my understanding was it’s actually kind of insulting to just kick the ball around and not try to…
Yuuuup. I almost deleted my comment once I realized that this likely a universally held belief.
because the rich-but-not-famous one
January Jones dodged a huge bullet here.
This, I think, is true of almost every era of SNL. I think the best shows have never had more than 3 laugh out out loud funny sketches, but that’s all that we remember from a particular cast / timeframe as years move on.
exceedingly likable Hurricanes
This is why I tell any friends about to have a baby that my absolute best advice is to take everyone else’s advice with a good sized grain of salt. It is amazing how some parents find a way of doing things that works for their specific child and then turn around and dispense that thing like it is this unimpeachable…
Crashing - it didn’t end on it’s own terms, but what ended up being the final episode was a great end to a pretty good overall run of three seasons.
I’ve never been more confident in anything than I am in Jordan Rodgers being at least three of these anonymous sources.
I remember going to Disney World when i was a kid and being SO CERTAIN that we would be able to finally get a VHS of Black Cauldron- I had seen the movie years early and then gotten REALLY into the books but we had never been able to find a copy of the movie after it was in theaters. In my kid brain the theme park was…
I don’t know. I like PMT and some of their content people are good follows on twitter / insta (Kate and Chaps especially). If I have to worry about being responsible for ‘enabling’ every shitty aspect, current and historical, that has ever been associated with media I consume I’d probably be left just reading the back…
lol thanks - yeah, that’s pretty much the only way. I usually sear first and finish in the oven but there’s only so much that can be done. Grill season is just a few months away and it a winter hiatus from steak cuts down on my red meat consumption so that’s probably a good thing....
Is there a good way to cook a good steak, or sear sous-vide steak, indoors when you don’t have a proper vent and a sensitive fire alarm? I used to use one of those shower cap covers on the smoke detector but I forgot to take it off one time and my wife (understandably, we have two small kids) banned that practice.
That is such a tired old stereotype and you should be ashamed of yourself. They also launder money.
lol this. I get holding one or two opinions as so absolute that you can’t even that you can’t be in the vicinity of someone who disagrees. But if you hold all of your opinions that way? You’re just a prick.
The only downside to the epidural is having to endure conversations with boomer moms who had kids in the 80's without one because of “Science”. My own mother, who is an otherwise wonderful and kind person, has implied that all of her grandchildren are a little slow because both my wife and sister had epidurals.