
These are amazing - I have a set of the big ones, but also the medium size ones for mixed drinks where I want a few perfectly square cubes and not shitty ice-maker ice.  I like them so much that if I visit a friends house who serves booze with generic ice-cubes I send them a set as a thank you for my visit.... but

No shit, my point is that the cost of losing an easily injured player for the season is not worth the benefit of an extra couple of inches of height / vertical leap on a play that has a less than 5% chance to begin with.

They put Gronk on the field for a play that was almost certainly NOT going to be a jump ball situation. The end.

Wait than how did Kelly Clarkson not get sued into oblivion after Heartbeat song, which is basically The Middle by Jimmy Eat World but with different words?

THIS. Are they written in a certain style or rhythm that has fallen out of use or something, or are we all just dumber than our parents? The handful of golden book classics we have I find really awkward to read for some reason.

Same except my youngest tore off all the flaps so the mystery on who’s actually under the bed, in the piano, etc... is kinda gone.  :(

I hear you but after a long day for two working parents sometimes it’s tough to maintain enthusiasm at storytime so I don’t see anything wrong with shifting some books to the back of the shelf in lieu of something a little more enjoyable every now and then.

Completely agree on Sandra Boynton, although at some point pretty much anything is going to get old on the 300th reading (with the exception of Jamberry and Little Blue Truck... for me anyway).

The first Little Blue Truck books is a fun read and has good messaging (basically team-work and don’t be a dick). The rhyming is done really well and doesn’t feel forced like it does in some books.

They’ve already had to write-off $100K in past due fees and they are continuing to provide lunches for the students regardless of their o/s balance, both of which I think are noteworthy.  I’m curious as to what you have in mind when you say ‘plenty of other ways to resolve this issue’.

The District lunch program cannot continue to lose revenue.

10000% agree - every single day you do it you create another instance for some level of doubt to creep into your kids head, and if the Elf thing is BS, than what about Santa?  You only need to pull off the Santa myth once a year,  and the magic behind it is awesome while the kids still believe.  The Elf on the Shelf

‘round these parts we just call that aDerek Mason Greeting’.  Love that Thielen actually let B.B. get in his head with that drop on the proceeding play.  

The Orlando Apollos uniforms are a blatant rip-off of the NFL Europe Frankfurt Galaxy.

Yes this. Developing your own equation (x thickness / y heat / z method) = Medium Rare (or however you like your steak), and learning that equation for a couple of different cuts of beef is the best way to cook great steak. Also worth noting there are less expensive cuts avail to practice with before you start

This is a great comment&

I think so much of it varies from terminal to terminal. Term A in Boston is a delight, but I wouldn’t begrudge Boston’s place on this list if you’ve only flown out of Terminals B and E.

If I remember right this test at least does an OK job of weeding out responses based on how someone would like to be perceived vs. how they really are.  I worked at a place that bought the dented-can store version of the MBTI and it was SO obvious that most of the people ended up in the personality groups that fit how

I read it at least once a year, it is my favorite thing. I remember seeing Love Actually w/ my girlfriend at the time and being like, ‘what the actual fuck is this??’ People LOVED this movie and I was immediately accused of being a cliche ‘I hate chick-flicks guy’ because I couldn’t articulate what Lindy perfectly

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