
I’ve been thanked as a groomsman by the groom for ‘standing up with me today’ or something to that effect, but I’ve never heard anyone use ‘standing up’ in lieu of saying ‘in the wedding / in the wedding party’ or specifically saying what role (bridesmaid, groomsmen, etc.).

This is so helpful, I have definitely been guilty of discretely (or so I thought) yanking my 4 year-old away from situations like this to avoid causing any uncomfortable questions / staring.

That is interesting - i’ve definitely heard it, mostly from grooms thanking their groomsmen for ‘standing up with me today’ etc... but never heard it as the go-to way of saying someone is in the wedding party.  East coast I think we generally say you’re ‘in the wedding’ or specifically say ‘be a

Being asked to stand up in a destination wedding. My wife was asked to stand up in one that’s in Italy next year.

That, but I love how a guy in a $54M contract is giving the same answer / level of accountability that I get from the comcast technician when my internet goes out.  

Bortles didn’t have an answer, telling reporters, “I just work here.”

Oh I agree fully, but the version by The Band is kinda upbeat and they seem to get a kick out of it. The one downside to our overall approach to music w/ our kids is that eventually we’re going to have to weed out a few songs and then re-introduce when they’re older.

Fucks this guy but why was the team’s best receiver running a route that wasn’t even near the endzone?

While we’re here can someone tell me the difference between pampers swaddlers and pampers cruisers?

Our kids, 4 and 2, listen almost exclusively to our music, aside from a handful of songs from Moana and Frozen. We don’t do lullabyes at bedtime either, just slower calming songs that my wife and I know by heart. Not having obnoxious kidzbopz or raffi shit in our life is probably the best thing we’ve accomplished as

Someone, maybe not DI, is going to try this next week and there is definitely a chance that they get their clocks cleaned.

I agree, and as fun as it is to see a major(?) program like Arkansas get clowned someone else is going to try this when they shouldn’t and get absolutely lit up.

My god, it’s like watching my daughter at the playground. She flat our REFUSES the ponytail which to me, as someone who has never had hair longer than 3 inches, seems like madness.

Is there a way to harness energy from the number of replies to tweets about this trade pointing out that Josh Gordon isn’t white? Because, if we could I may have found a way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

lol ok. Explaining one’s beliefs or actions isn’t automatically ‘rationalizing’ just because you don’t agree with the basis of their reasoning or the actions themselves... but call it that if you’d like.

As a pats fan I don’t think I could ever say goodbye to field goals given the amount of incredible moments those plays have gotten us over the years.

Would love to see an official correlation of coaches that continue to stick to dumb Football Guy” tropes about specialists (like todd haley on hard knocks, nice kick you fucking kicker) who routinely end up on the losing end of colossal special teams fuckups.  I think the evidence is in, and this whole kicking and

Not sure the Trump analogy holds for a couple of reasons but regardless I’m not saying they should be absolved of every abhorrent thing BS does. I don’t think it’s as simple as ‘they could just leave’ but absolutely I wish they would take more of a stance on certain shit that has gone down at Bar Stool.

I hear you, but I don’t I’m rationalizing anything. I just don’t hold guys like PMT, Big Cat, Uncle Chaps / Kate and a few others at Bar Stool accountable to the extent that I’m going to not listen / watch / read content that I otherwise enjoy.  

at the very least speak out against Portnoy without repercussions.