
Portnoy got Van Talk cancelled when he insisted Barstool be included in the name of the show and when he paraded every content creator at barstool into Times Square to make a video that undeniably linked himself and the whole company with the TV show. I remember PFT, and to a lesser extent Katz, looked like they

I’ve probably seen the old-time baseball segment more than 10 times.  It is a treasure.  

I am, and no they don’t re-dub the voices w/ American actors they way they do w/ the other exports you mentioned. I actually grew up over seas so when I head Thomas for the first time w/ American accents it blew my mind.

Also there was an episode where a doctor was explaining how a vet is a doctor for animals. Except they’re all goddamn animals. It makes no sense. This show is trash.

I had heard about this show for a while but for whatever reason my youngest hadn’t gotten into it.... until last week. I kind of feel like the british accents have tricked parents into think the show has more educational upside then it really does. Also, it sucks.

This is interesting - about two years ago I started buying bathing suits that were 5 in in-seam and had my regular shorts hemmed down’t to 6 inches.  According to the GQ formula that’s basically right where I should be.   

I’ve never heard this confirmed by anyone from the area but a friend who went to school up there used to swear that consuming a 30 rack of genny cream, red, and ice was called the ‘trifecta’. Over the years it became a staple of any wedding we went to in upstate NY among my group of friends, but every local we told

This is my favorite form of beer snobbery, “If you don’t like this one particular style that I enjoy then you must be an uncultured American swine who only drinks mass produced domestic swill.” 1. I don’t know where you shop but if your choices are limited to IPA, stout, and some form of ‘light’ then you’re doing it

The practice thing came up again the coaches meeting. Is there something the browns do differently to manage injuries? Does it work? I know they suck, but I haven’t had a Cleveland brown on my fantasy team since Braylon Edwards - before his career was ruined by the emotional scarring caused by having to sit that close

I hear you, and for me I relish the few chances I get to either be home by myself or be out with just my friends and not as a couple. My wife feels similarly and we do plenty of things as a couple alone or in groups.

Yeah, similar situation. One would think at least certain things are SACRED designated friend time. A buddy of mine got married without really getting to have a bachelor party so me and three other guys from our core group of college friends flew down a couple nights early so we could have a night out just the 5 of us

Semi related for Pats fans- With the churn of some good local beat-reporters to either nat’l publications or to subscription based websites, I’ve found Princiotti to be a very solid follow on twitter.  

because later in the day he wrote

I’ve found that sousving (p?) is the perfect way to do these types of burgers.  My go-to is bison burgers stuffed with pieces of smoked cheddar.  

I feel like I’ve been able to find it in cans intermittently for the last few years? I know for sure they’ve had the California Lager and Liberty Ale in cans for a while now but I was certain I’ve bought a variety pack of cans that had those two plus regular Anchor Steam.

I would add for ocean swimming it is absolutely critical to learn how to break from a rip current.

This. My oldest at the age of 2 1/2 was knocked down by an off-leash doberman at a playground (where dogs were not supposed to be allowed in the first place). Prior to that she LOVED dogs and were thinking of getting one if we ever moved out of the city. Since then dogs absolutely terrify her and cause an otherwise

Most stories about Bourdain’s will have called out the $1.2 million figure as considerably less than they’d expected, to which I’d like to comment, “Let’s not.”

Sorry if this ruined it for you.

Consider subtracting other essential expenses, such as child care